Jay is blushing from excitement that Catholic Carnival 174 is up!
Frank sent this in. Up close you see Einstein, but step back (and squint) you will see Marilyn Monroe. Sort of.
May 30th, 1998 at 10:00AM in the morning my classmates and I pictured here walked down the aisle for the laying on of hands and invocation of the Holy Spirit that we might be priests of the Holy Roman Church of Jesus Christ. And so far the hears have simply flown by. The best evidence that that amount of time has actually slipped by is my continuing retreating hairline and my tax records. Just last week I was out with Frs. B. and W. and in awe we stated how fortunate we are to be priests and how we cannot believe more guys do not want to do this. What a joy it has been to serve Him.
There is so much that I would like to say, but it all pales next to, “Deo gratias!”
Agent $0.07
With a proud tear in his eye, Jay announces the birth of Catholic Carnival 173!
The Diocese of Cleveland Enewsletter provided us with this article by Bishop Lennon as we enter into ordinary time.
Catholic .net is largely a directory, with news stories from Zenit and National Catholic Register.
Do you want to do some serious Catholic research? Here is the place to go. There is so much here it is almost overwhelming!
Now these sign are appearing downtown. There is always some amount of controversy about whether it is a good thing to give to beggars or not and I am torn by the arguments. A man did ask me for money for food while I was downtown on Monday and after reading this I sign declined to do so. But I was solicitous to him and he was very kind in return.
So what is one to do – or to quote that worn and now clichéd phrase, “What would Jesus do?” Who knows? Well. Who knows beyond this: It is not an option be pretend people are not there either physically or in social justice terms. By that I mean as Catholic we have an obligation to recognize the humanness and dignity of others even if that is not entirely reflected back. We should be kind and offer greetings when greeted. And if you are of the mind not to hand money out for whatever reason say so. “I give at such and so place. That is my way of helping.” (This is USUALLY met with kindness in return.) Then the second part of that equation is to actually do that charity because that is who we are. That is one more reason we are proud to call ourselves Catholic.
Jay is positively giddy over the opening of Catholic Carnival 171!
This is just a nice story about being a good person and how sometimes it comes back as a blessing on you. Cabbies Treated to Classical Violin. Thanks Fr. F.
The Diocese of Cleveland Enewseletter reports five men ordained to the priesthood of Jesus Christ for the Diocese this past Saturday. God bless you Fathers!
Here is a site for various streaming video presentations from the Diocese of Cleveland. Kind of like a Clevelandtube I suppose.
My life is worth more than a couple of hours waiting for a 23-cent pizza.
But it got me thinking that maybe here is the marketing strategy that the Catholic Church needs to start employing. I mean, here was a large group of people who did not mind giving up an hour or so of their time, parking quite a distance away and walking to their destination on a misty day, and who did not mind standing in procession in an interminable line. It was like watching news reports of Cold War era Russia. And all for a cheap pizza that by today is only a memory save for the heartburn.
It would be easy to be snotty at this point. I am tempted. But the more I think about it the easier it is to think of the millions of faithful Catholics who are loyal to Christ every weekend and do the same. Getting to Mass is a hardship for some and sacrifices are made. This weekend in this parish alone about 1,600 people will stand in line to receive not pizza, but the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. The next day the effects of that Eucharist will not just be a memory but an active agent in the life of these faithful people and a down payment on the life to come. There is a lot of hope in that.
My urge to be snotty is a basic human desire for others to share in what I see as important. Yes, 23-cent pizza is fun; eternal life is better.