President Obama has been invited to speak at the commencement ceremony at the Catholic University of Notre Dame. I will admit having the president speaking at a Catholic institution is pretty cool. But of course there is a huge outcry among Catholi
cs who – well – shall we be blunt? – think you should not have the facade of everything being Okay, not even giving even the appearance that, “See, even Catholics are divided on the life issue.” We are not. There is no wiggle room here. To be anti-life and in particular, pro abortion, pro embryonic stem cell research is not just s
omething that Catholics do not like, it is anti-Catholic. It goes against our core principles. He is not just neutral on the topic, he is actively working to make it a secured right. In a way the invitation is kind of embarrasing - like the lonely girl at the dance who just wants to fit in and so is willing to go against her morals and principles in order to become more popular - but maybe not for the right reasos
An argument could be made that he is just allowing others to be able to make their own decisions concerning matters of life. But if we see abortion and embryo destruction as the taking of a human life (and we do) this is no different than if the law were considering allowing the murder Louisianans. “It does not mean I personally believe that someone from Louisiana should be murdered and I wish that it were not necessary, an
d I know that people who murder Louisianans make the decision very seriously with much thought and anguish. But it should be an individual’s choice. Be that as it may we must work together to try to make the murder – or rather the free choice of alternative existence - unnecessary.”
But shouldn
’t such a man be given a chance to talk on campus? If we never engage we will never move the topic forward. And where better to do it than on our own turf? The University is the place where debates are had so that civil people may debate important topics and come to an equitable conclusion. But should it be the commencement speech? Catholic theologian George Wiegel said of this, “Commencement is not an opportunity to set the foundations for dialogue. Commencement and the award of an honorary degree is a statement on the part of the university [that] this is a life worth emulating.”

Is it hard to understand why the university would want to look the other way in this matter? No. It is a honor to have the president of the United States speak at the school. Monetarily it is boon. Knowing that the president might give your commencement speech might attract a good number of students. But what if they gain the whole world and lose their soul (and more importantly the souls of the students entrusted to them) in the process?
Kudos to Bishop John D’Arcy for boycotting the commencement. I pray (I hope) that not having the local ordinary there will be of some concern for the school and students though I imagine the stars in the eyes toward our president will probably cause many to miss
the empty chair. But it is a start.
Move. Counter move. What comes next?

An argument could be made that he is just allowing others to be able to make their own decisions concerning matters of life. But if we see abortion and embryo destruction as the taking of a human life (and we do) this is no different than if the law were considering allowing the murder Louisianans. “It does not mean I personally believe that someone from Louisiana should be murdered and I wish that it were not necessary, an

But shouldn

Is it hard to understand why the university would want to look the other way in this matter? No. It is a honor to have the president of the United States speak at the school. Monetarily it is boon. Knowing that the president might give your commencement speech might attract a good number of students. But what if they gain the whole world and lose their soul (and more importantly the souls of the students entrusted to them) in the process?
Kudos to Bishop John D’Arcy for boycotting the commencement. I pray (I hope) that not having the local ordinary there will be of some concern for the school and students though I imagine the stars in the eyes toward our president will probably cause many to miss

Move. Counter move. What comes next?