Friday, July 29, 2016


GIRM paragraph 89

I detest announcements at Mass.  Well, that’s not true.  When there is need of an announcement where and when else is everybody gathered (hopefully) so that you can tell them about something important for the community? 

But the problem is, “How do you regulate announcements so that A) they do not drone on with too much information and B) that there is proper vetting system in place so that there are not 2,000 of them?”  We have announcements at the end of Mass just before the final blessing.  Just when you think things are about to wrap up and your are grabbing your music book as well as your hat making ready to escape our horrible parking lot, someone says, “We have just a few announcements.”  I see the air go out of people’s lungs and shoulders slump.  If there are a number of them, then you can SEE attention starting to drift off toward the ceiling.  Announcements should be like javelin tosses.  You throw one, and it is quick and a doozy.  After that, people shut down and anything said will be as well heard as a long lecture of the benefits of flossing sitting outside on a hot afternoon having already had a bottle of wine.

But that has ALMOST nothing to do with today’s post.

It seemed very common that, in many places, the announcements (or talks, or funding requests, or invitations to events) took place BEFORE the prayer after communion simply because it was a quiet moment and those who were going to be late for Mass are there and those who are going to try to sneak out early haven’t left yet.  

The problem with this is that THE COMMUNION RITE IS NOT YET OVER.  The prayer after communion is not called the prayer after communion simply because it is some random prayer that just happens to be after communion but rather it is “to complete the prayer of the People of God, and also to conclude the whole Communion Rite . . . ”  Thought it may not seems so, adding ANYTHING before this prayer would be a kin to stopping before the Angus Dei and saying, “Before we receive Communion today, I have a couple of announcements.”  

At least one local parish makes their announcements before Mass (missing the late comers.)  Most of us (I think) make it at the end of Mass annoying those who had it in their mind that they were just about to ease on down the road.  BUT VERILY I SAY UNTO THEE that I think this is cool that people are wearied at this pause before concluding the Mass.  I do believe that announcements are a necessary evil but it shows what an intrusion they are, no matter when they are done, to the Mass.  It messes with the flow of prayer and ritual.  It is the fly in the soup; one little spec that seems to taint the giant pot.  It is like the plane that was just about to touch down but which decided to make one more loop before landing.  It is like this post that has now gone on a few sentences too long.

Thursday, July 28, 2016


The murder of the priest in France is both sad and frightening.  It is difficult to find anything but tragedy in the whole situation.  Even the Pope made the statement, "Some might think it is war of religion. It is not. All religions want peace. Others want war.”  Is there even the slightest ray of hope or goodness in this situation or is it all just a horrible, black happening in a cold universe?

Today’s Gospel sheds light on this question.

In Matthew 13:47-53 it talks about the Kingdom of Heaven being like a giant net thrown into the water hauling up everything in its path.  This net would be about a quarter of a mile long and six to ten feet in depth with floating cork on the upper side and weights on the lower.  One team would keep an end on shore while the other team took the opposite end out into the water and then swing it around ending up a distance down the shore.  Then the two teams would haul it ashore and everything in the mouth of the net would be trapped.  The fishermen would then have to sort through that which was good and preserve it, and that which was bad and discard it.

The fish are all of humanity.  The fishermen are God’s angels.  The net is the final judgment that all must face.  Notice that both good and bad alike are caught in the net.  That means that the Kingdom of Heaven exists in the this world right along side the kingdoms of earth.  There is goodness and grace in the world right now.  The Kingdom exists whenever and wherever you live it.  

At the moment the story in France was taking place, both kingdoms were present and in action.  To many people, it appears that the kingdom of this world prevailed.  But we know that the matter was settled about 2,000 years ago.  It is not unlike the Japanese soldiers that were found still fighting WWII on islands years after they lost and the war over.  They may still fight and appear to win a battle on some island, but the matter is already settled.

As we all are, both the priest and his attacker are to face death.  When the final net is dragged in, that is when the victory of that particular battle will finally be revealed, not earlier this week.  So we do not fear.  We love life and are not afraid to die.  Death for the Christian is an entrance into true life where there will not longer be a mixing of the two kingdoms.

We mourn for the priest and that community.  We also know that there is still hope there and goodness to be expressed.  We pray for his attacker because he chose a path destined for loss. We have no need to answer with anger and hate.  

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


I remember when Y2K (was supposed to) happen.  At the stroke of midnight on January 1st, windows still glowed with the blue of T.V. sets, planes stayed in the sky, and the lights didn't even flicker.  I turned to my cousin and said, "Well THAT was anticlimactic."  I felt the same about the RNC in Cleveland.  For MONTHS we had been told to stay away and that the city was going to go down in flames.  Again, the whole event, by the standard that cataclysmic events are measured, was more tame the the Cav's victory reception.

But a week ago, we were preparing for armageddon.  (I am NOT joking.)  During that maelstrom, one of the seminarians living at the rectory was invited to attend the Pro Life rally at the Brown's stadium.  I asked him to blog about his experience.  Please note that this article is not an endorsement about any person or political party but a description of his adventure that happened to be at the RNC, which just happened to be on our doorstep. 

So, without further ado, here is David Stavarz's article entitled, 

"Are You a Lion or a Sheep?"

Last week, during the RNC in Cleveland, another seminarian and myself were blessed to be invited to the Browns Stadium for a Pro-life Luncheon hosted by the Republican National Coalition for Life. Talk about a once-in-a-lifetime experience! As a seminarian, it is really often amazing where, at times, one finds oneself. My life is certainly blessed. 

Being the second full day of the convention, Josh and I were not sure about how exactly we were going to make it all the way to First Energy Stadium considering all the hype that surrounded this RNC. However, as God's providence outdoes all human attempts to worry about everything, we were able to catch the RTA into the city and walk a few blocks to our destination without any trouble.

Once we arrived at the stadium, despite walking a good distance in our suits in the Cleveland heat, there was not much time for relaxation. For the representatives and delegates especially, there was much important work to be done for the Pro-Life cause on the Republican platform. There were some protesters outside, but otherwise it was a peaceful and uncontested event.

At the beginning of the program, our own Bishop Roger Gries, OSB was asked to give the opening remarks and prayers. Frankly, and not to the detriment of the subsequent speakers, with his short talk, I think the bishop hit the nail right on the head. Bishop Gries challenged those in the room not if they were a true Republican elephant, but if they were a sheep or a lion. He explained that many times in our modern society, especially when it comes to life issues, religious people are seen as sheep. People of faith, like sheep, are seen as unintelligent, passive, and, hence, easily dismissed. We simply aren't taken seriously. 

Granted we live in a turbulent culture that is increasingly anti-religious and even somewhat hostile to religion, but in my view as religious people, as people who follow Jesus Christ, we have two options: apathy or chivalry. And I don't think that it is the apathetic people who Jesus wants to find when He comes again. Before the prayer, the bishop called for us not to cower like lambs when it comes to life issues, but roar like lions so that our voice is heard and it is not one that is easily unheard. Bishop Gries added that as Christians we need to be in the center of the culture, not out on the fringes, never to be heard.

The event itself was hosted, as it had been for many years, by Mrs. Phyllis Schlafly, founder of Eagle Forum Education and Legal Defense Fund and the RNC/Life, constitutional lawyer, author of twenty-six books, and female activist who has had an instrumental contribution to the Pro-Life cause in the Republican Party. Over the years, Schlafly has been a lion who has unabashedly promoted life and the dignity of the human person both as a politician and as a mother of 6 children. I could tell the room was filled with respect for Mrs. Schlafly as she was greeted with a profound applause. Before the meal, videos of her speaking before Congress cycled on screens around the room. She was certainly not a woman who sheepishly let the culture change around her. She believed in Christ through her Roman Catholic faith, stood up for what she believed, and addressed the cultural changes with a roar.

Next, Mr. Lou Holtz, legendary college football coach (most notably from Notre Dame), gave the keynote presentation. His talk was inspiring, moving, challenging, and was really what everyone - Democrat or Republican - needed to hear. Holtz drew from much of his personal experience as a coach and as a father in our culture to highlight the various challenges to life issues in our country. Granted, Coach Holtz has more resources and means than your average joe on the street, but he has not been a sheep, but he has chosen to be a lion in the pro-life cause. 

Reading some of the coverage of his talk at the event, Holtz has even received flack from the media for this talk at that very event. One quote that I guestfound memorable was, "We can tell people how to make a living, but we can't tell them how to make a life." In other words, the precious nature of a human life needs to be protected before the frail nature of what goes into our pockets. Human lives are and will always be more important that anything else in this world.

All in all it was a great experience going to the luncheon, meeting people who were highly involved and passionate. It was an honor to represent seminarians in a Church who is, at times, greatly persecuted, yet greatly cares about the Pro-Life issues, the dignity of the human person, and the future of our country. In the years to come we should take to heart the bishops words truly becoming lions and not sheep, undeniably fighting for our faith and what we believe in.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "When you are a stranger in the world, the voices become impersonal, detached.  People say things like Don't forget your change.  Or Do you want cheese on that?  Nobody ever says your name with affection."  from Noah Hawley's "The Good Father"

QUOTE II:  "When God calls your name He is not calling because He needs you. He doesn’t need anyone to accomplish His high purposes. He is calling to give you the priviledge of witnessing Him work in the world. He calls to offer you a front row seat for His next miracle."  Win Green


Jason sent this video in.  All I can say is, "Wow."

The Brick Street Jazz and Wine Festival sponsored by the Academy of Culture and Arts at St. Sebastian is coming up.  See it HERE in Akron Life Magazine.

While I was away in Steubenville, Sebastian went partying with one of his favorite people.  It appears  he got a little carried away at Marcy's.  Sorry.

Here is the latest installment of our course on philosophy.  Today you will understand why you must study philosophy before you become a theologian when studying to become a priest.

Monday, July 25, 2016


This weekend we took a group of our high school students to the Franciscan University of Steubenville for the summer youth retreat.  It was in the 90s and packed and I am a bit of a fuddy-duddy anyway on top of being merely uncomfortable and stinky.
There was absolutely nothing wrong with the youth conference.  It is just that it was designed more for youth, not a 50 year old guy.  My idea of a retreat is a meeting with a director for an hour or so and then going away to think and pray - silently - in air conditioning - alone - in a comfortable chair.

In case of emergency back at the ranch, I left my cell phone number at the parish.  But everything seemed well in hand when I left and I really did not expect to hear anything.
So I expected to enjoy and nice little escape from the parish, free from any responsibility except for prayer and enjoying the company of my high schoolers.
I stayed up hearing confessions until midnight in the university chapel with assurances that the parish was in capable hands and all was right in the world.

It is nice to know that the world can get along perfectly well without me and that the parish is such a well oiled machine that they would not even know if I was gone for a month.

And even if that is not true, I have an active enough imagination and a fierce ability to live in denial to convince myself for a while that it is.

Friday, July 22, 2016


Thank you for being patient with the lack of posts.  It has not been a boring summer around these parts.

Paragraph 88

So you may have read a reply from last Friday from Fr. P concerning how his parish handles music during Communion which appears to me to closer in keeping with actual Vatican II documents and the Tradition of the Church rather than what has just seemed to happen recently.  After Communion is over there may be time to decompress.  The first option is to sit quietly and reflect on all that has happened (and a lot happened) and to give thanks.  The next option is to sing one of the following:

1) Psalm
2) Canticle
3) Other hymn of praise

And it is recommended that this be done by the whole congregation.

If we were to take first options then it would look like this:

During Communion the choir sings, which, in this humble bloggers opinion make a lot of sense.  As a priest I cannot participate because I am doing and saying too much as are the extraordinary ministers of holy communion.  Ushers are ushering, people are getting up and processing and receiving Communion - and if they want to receive in the hand they should not have a hymnal in their hands or clutched under their armpit.  When everyone is done, if we don't just sit quietly, then that is a time to fumble for hymnals and page numbers and sing.  

What happens in a typical parish is exactly the opposite.  

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "Familial bonds are not created through the
transfer of information.  They are forged through experience over time.  They are the sum of Potty Training times Sick Days, of Nights Spent Jslieeling in the Same Bed times Knee Scrapes Kissing in Playgrounds.  The Intimacy of parents and children is not used on data as much as it is on proximity."    from Noah Hawley's, "The Good Father"

QUOTE II:  "Divorce is a kind of hypocrisy, and kids are smart.  They know the difference between the life you promise them and the life they have."  same source


I didn't have a chance to review this for you first but Fr. Rene sent this in (he occasionally stays at St. Sebastian when he is in town.)  The first one seems to focus more on fathers and how they can transmit the faith to their children.  See it HERE.  The second one is for mothers.  Find it HERE.

I liked this bumper sticker (at least the second one) that was spotted in Highland Square.

Cindy sent the following clip in.  If you are so inclined, skip ahead to approximately 18:15 and see the lady who attended the 1:00 Mass at St. Sebastian this past weekend.  She is in town covering the RNC.  Thanks Cindy.

Cindy also sent in this article about a young lady who is able to go into a religious order because someone paid off her student debt.  Read more HERE.

That reminds me of the Mater Ecclesiae Fund for Vocations.  Here is a description from their website:      
"The Mater Ecclesiae Fund for Vocations is privileged to assist men and women to follow God's call to service in the Church through a life of consecration. We operate theSt. Joseph Student Debt Relief Grant Program for religious life and the St. John Vianney Student Debt Relief Grant Program for the parish priesthood. These grants eliminate the delay many young people encounter as they struggle to pay off their student debts before they can enter religious life. A grant pays candidates' student loan payments while they are in formation for either religious life or the priesthood"  See more HERE.

Here is part 8 of our crash course in philosophy.

Monday, July 18, 2016


Sometimes people ask, "How do you come up with your homilies Father?"  Sometimes it just comes the moment I read the Scriptures early in the week.  
Sometimes not.  Sometimes it seems like something has to happen first and THEN it becomes clear what the Holy Spirit wants said.  Sometimes it is as late as Saturday.
I remember once, as a kid, we went to Mass right after Princess Dianna died.  As we walked out of Mass I heard someone comment with some sadness, "I just KNEW that he wouldn't say anything about Princess Dianna."  So I've always tried to include important goings on of the day in the mix to the extent that I can.
Sometimes are easier than others.  This week was a challenge.
And sometimes, when you are trying to build a horse, you get a horse.  Sometimes when you want to build a horse, you get a giraffe or a camel.  But, hey, what would this world be like without giraffes or camels?

Linda, who was at a Mass at which I preached was moved to send in this poem.  I hope you enjoy.

Kitchen Prayer

Klara Munkres

Lord of all pots and pans and things
Since I’ve not time to be
A saint by doing lovely things or
Watching late with Thee
Or dreaming in the dawn light or
Storming Heaven’s gates
Make me a saint by getting meals and
Washing up the plates.
Although I must have Martha’s hands,
I have a Mary mind
And when I black the boots and shoes,
Thy sandals Lord I find.
I think of how they trod the earth,
What time I scrub the floor
Accept this meditation Lord,
I haven’t time for more.
Warm all the kitchen with Thy love,
And light it with Thy peace
Forgive me all my worrying and make
My grumbling cease.
Thou who didst love to give men food,
In room or by the sea
Accept this service that I do,
I do it unto Thee.

Friday, July 15, 2016


We are skipping a paragraph.  I would imagine that, unless you are experiencing difficulties in the area of when Communion music should start and stop, you will find it imminently uninteresting.

And now on to:
Vatican two
Options for you.

Paragraph 87

When someone is going to be married I have them help me plan their wedding Mass.  When it comes to the vows they have two sets from which to choose and four ways to exchange each of those two sets.  We have a similar thing with options of communion singing.  There are different kinds of music that can be sung and each of those may be sung by different groups of people.

Here are the options of WHAT may be sung in the United States:

  1. The antiphon from the Missal or from the Graduale Romanum as it is set to music there (meaning chant - and notice that this is the FIRST option meaning that it is preferred though very few people do this) or other musical setting.
  2. The antiphon with Psalm from the Graduale Simplex.  (As of yet, no Eagles Wings)
  3. Chant from another collection Psalms and antiphons or set for responsory or to metrical form.
  4. Some other liturgical chant.

That’s it.  But the bishops allow for other music - of which most of the time it seems we want to sing about bread and wine and aren’t we great.  But I digress.

But WHO is to sing the Communion song?

So, after you choose one from among the options above, then you have to decide how the choice will be done.  Notice the order of options once again:

  1. The choir alone.
  2. The choir or cantor along with the people.

Muy interesante.  Most professional liturgists with whom I am acquainted make the great argument that the song should include all of the people (I also get that from many of those people.)  And I get that.  It assists people in participating in something holy during the reception of Communion.  And if we go back to the paragraph that I skipped, it says that we should all be singing to show our joy and unity of heart with our voices.  But if it is a legitimate option not to have everybody singing, that means there is something else for you to do - besides carrying a hymnal up in the Communion line and clutching it tightly under your armpit as you try to receive the Blessed Sacrament.  You have something to offer from your anointing as priest at your baptism - something to pray for, something to pray about, and of great importance, prayer of thanksgiving and adoration.  Just because you are not singing DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE NOT PARTICIPATING UNLESS YOU CHOOSE NOT TO DO SO.  

But wait!  There’s more!

It could not be sung at all!  If there are no musicians, the antiphon should be recited.  

  1. By the faithful (should they have access to it.)
  2. by “some” of the faithful
  3. by the reader
  4. or by the priest himself.


Yesterday was a wildly busy day so I didn't have time to post - stories that I will share with you in the near future. In the mean time, Pokemon has been receiving lots of notice in these parts.  I have had a number of interesting conversations with people I might not otherwise have the opportunity to chat with.  Lots of pictures have been sent to me including this one from Russ:
One of my servers yesterday whose Dad is a police officer said that he was arresting Pokemon Trainers who were trespassing on private property, running through graveyards disturbing mourners and driving off roads.  So Brian, a seminarians staying here for the summer, a friend of his and I thought to make St. Sebastian a welcoming spot.  (We advertised for the Jazz and Wine Festival on the other side!)
We were not, however, as innovative as St. Mary.  (Thanks J. P.)

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Apparently there are invisible creatures wandering around St. Sebastian.

No, not angels and saints - although I hope they are - it’s just that I am not talking about them.

All of a sudden, starting last week, there have been older teens and twenty year olds wandering around the campus staring at their phones.  An unusual amount of them.  They are very polite and respectful, and quiet.  I wanted to go up to someone and ask, “What are you doing here?” but was afraid that they might think I didn’t want them here.  I do.  I just wanted to know what attracted them.

All of them seem to eventually end up sitting on the bench in front of the church.  After sitting there for a few moments, they get up and walk away as quietly as they came and I’m left scratching my head.

Then an article comes out in the paper about the Pokemon Craze engulfing Akron.  Apparently it is a virtual reality game of sorts where you can collect little creatures that inhabit the land, one of which seems to have taken up temporary residence on our plaza.

This is so incredibly cool.

But it make me think . . . what is there to learn from this?  This “free app” has already earned billions of dollars and has our youth out walking around all over the place.  What is the attraction and can we as Church do something similar to get people crazed about faith and saints, God and virtue???

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "More violence only makes our society more violent."  from Noah Hawley's "The Good Father"

QUOTE II:  "America believed that crime was who a person was, not just what they did."  same source.


Someone sent this video in about a Commitment Ring.  It only allows you to watch a series if both persons wearing the ring are in the same room.

I would have to wear three.  I'm watching three different series with three different friends.  It makes being faithful very difficult.

Amy sent THIS site in about a new missal.

Sebastian had his buds over for a guy's night out.  This is Atticus, Sebastian, and Monsignor.

David Stavarz, seminarian staying at St. Sebastian this summer, wrote a new article on Word on Fire. Read it HERE.

Are you familiar with Catholic radio in the Akron area?  HERE is one station.

Here is the next installment of our Crash Course in Philosophy.  About 10 minutes.

Monday, July 11, 2016


 I knew something was wrong the moment I opened my eyes on Father's Day Sunday.  It was WAY too quiet.  The power was out.  Fr. Leonard stopped me in the hallway and said, "I called the power company and they said the power would not be back on until 9:30AM."  

Eh.  That was fine.  We would be into the Mass schedule already but - hey - isn't it handy that we use candles anyway?

I remember that I used to look forward to the power going out.  When I was kid (yes, WAY back then,) it seemed like the power went out all the insane time.  We had a handy box of old holiday candles that we would break out and light and TALK and marvel at the darkness and quiet.  If was nice weather, we would go out and talk to the neighbors about any gossip they heard about why the lights were out (far less scary back then - no-one thought of terrorists) or, if it was winter, a fire would be lit in the fireplace.

It's much more complicated now and at the parish.  When the power went out it knocked out the phones and the Internet.  That meant nobody could contact us.  But worse, our HVAC is controlled by the Internet (why, I don't know) and when the power came back on, it didn't have any information being sent to it because the Internet was still down so it went to default mode which is MID JANUARY!
 Yes, the AC shut down and the boilers fired up.  It was a hot day and the dutiful boilers pumped heat into the already sweaty 11:00 Mass.  OF COURSE this never happens on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday.  Of course it was a holiday weekend.  That is the only time these things happen.  And of course everybody is closed or on vacation.  Blessing on John McVicar who came in and saved us from playing sweat camp.  

Of course, the REAL tragedy was that meant NO COFFE in the morning.  That was my biggest concern.  By 11:00 o'clock Mass I would be insufferable (or more insufferable than normal.)  And then I remembered!  I bought a coffee maker during out mission trip to El Salvador!  You put ground coffee in a dirty sock and drip it into a pot!  So I got out a hand coffee grinder that had been relegated to shelf ornamentation and ground some coffee.  Oh!  But how to light the burner to heat up some water?  Fortunately we have gas and I lit it with a match feeling very manly and considering the possibility that I could survive in the jungle for longer than fifteen minutes.  
 And of course the SECOND the last drop of coffee fell into the pot, the power came back on.  It was like voodoo.  Of course it happened that way.

Friday, July 8, 2016


So one time I go to Mass in New York and when entering the church there was a table with two bowls.  There was a sign that said, “If you are going to receive communion today, please take a wafer from this bowl and put it in the other bowl.”

First of all:  Ew.

Secondly, it was a valiant effort to fulfill paragraph 85 of the GIRM.  This paragraph points out that the priest is BOUND to receive a host that was consecrated at the Mass being celebrated.  (That is, not taken out of the tabernacle from that which was consecrated at another Mass.)  It is “most desirable” (pretty strong wording without making it mandatory) that the whole congregation (as you were anointed prophets, kings, and priests after all) also receive hosts consecrated at the Mass being celebrated.  

This is trickier than you might think.  You people are not all that predictable.  A former liturgist for the Diocese of Cleveland CLAIMED that this should be no problem and that he would be able to do it at any parish in the diocese.  Perhaps he was clairvoyant and so I bow to his super powers.  We are not so talented (though we have improved mightily.)

Anything can throw the numbers off at Mass.  A football game.  A holiday.  Nice weather.  Bad weather.  The grass mowed in the wrong direction.  The numbers become thrown off because of people coming late because of roadwork, last minute soiled diapers, having to park three blocks away, trying to catch the end of “Jason and the Argonauts.”  

So you try to cut it close and then your are left with having to break the last remaining host into micro-particles in order to have enough for everybody to receive communion.  The next week you have “learned your lesson” and put out extra (better to be caught with a little extra than not enough right) and then you find, at the end off Mass, that you won’t have to consecrate again for the next month.

Sacristans debate in angst before Mass about how much to put out especially at funerals.  “Do you think I should put out more?  Will there be a lot of people at this funeral?  How many people were at calling hours?”  My standard answer, which they have not caught on to after 8 years, is “I don’t know.”

So you do your best.  Sometimes you do well, sometimes not so much.

This paragraph also states that Communion under both species be offered whenever it is feasible, not open to profanation, and suitable as determined by the priest under the guidelines of the local council of bishops.  

Here is another area of difficulty.  How much wine should we prepare to be consecrated?  Some weeks we run out.  Some weeks the deacon consumes so much that I worry about him walking down the aisle.  

Eh.  If this is our biggest problem, we are doing pretty well.

Thursday, July 7, 2016


When somebody says to me that they would like traditional Catholic music at Mass, my first thoughts go to Palistrina, Gregorian Chant, or tunes such as Panis Angelicus, or at least, “Jesus My Lord, My God, My All.”  

Nay nay.

The vast majority of the time they means songs like “On Eagles Wings,” and “Be Not Afraid.”  Songs by and large from the folk era of the 1970s.  Not that there is anything wrong with that.  But it reminds me of the late 1970s in this way:  It was then that it seemed people were holding tenaciously on to music from the 1940s and 50s as traditional Catholic music while folk was trying to muscle in and get rid of that tired stuff.

A lot of the music from the 40s and 50s was a bit saccharine.  The 70s stuff was often theological soft.  

Is it just me or do we not seem to have a real movement of liturgical music at the moment save for praise music like that which come out of Steubenville?

Oh, the poor music director - weighing the balance between that which are truly musical treasures from our history, what is an oldy but a goody, what is facing the sunset of use, what is currently on the seen, and the new and innovative that excites some and disgusts others.  God bless you musicians!  Know of my prayers today!