Saturday, April 21, 2007


And now from our correspondent in the Eternal City (Who should be studying.)

Fr. O writes, "I was in Siena yesterday, and I thought you might be interested in seeing this, in the same way people are often interested in seeing cars crash at NASCAR races. These are pictures of the stained glass windows at the church of St. Dominic in Siena. This is where St. Catherine's head is. Her body is at one of the prettiest churches in Rome (Santa Maria Sopra Minerva), but her head is unfortunately at the butt ugliest church in Siena. Most of the windows in the church are just clear glass in the shape of Gothic arches, but they seem to be in the process of replacing the clear windows with stained glass. They are by far the ugliest stained glass windows I've ever seen. In fact, I found them a little bit frightening. I think they look a little bit like pictures that children colored in with magic markers. Angry children from the psychiatric ward, that is. It's nice that they are commissioning original art, but is it too much to ask for something tasteful? Enjoy, and try to control your gag reflex."

WARNING: Do not look directly into they eyes of the figures in the windows. Actually, from this picture you cannot tell how horrible they really are.

I feel another series coming on. I don't think there is anything I can do to stop it. Must resist the temptation to type - must pray and think first. Arg . . .

Stay tuned.


Adoro said...


What's with that demonic-looking one at the top?

And blue on one side, red on the other??????

I must send my friend Terry over here to make his comments.

And no, Father O. is not a liturgical art snob. He is a man of good taste who recognizes bad taste, much like someone who knows "the good" is aware when they are deprived of "the good" and thus experiencing evil.

I really need more coffee. Off I go...

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's childrens' eyes they hope to attract. Art-wise, I've seen the Stations presented far more strangely, considering what they denote. I suppose it's all in the eye of the beholder, similarly to icons which I used to find odd-- and of course, it's relative, for I'm sure Fr. Max Kolbe would've wished for these depictions in his final cell, rather than what he beheld, as might the imprisoned Chinese priests.


Anonymous said...

So, the answer is "Yes." But Fr. O may be a youngish man who hasn't had a loved one die in his arms, yet. But I'm sure his intent is good, for he'd like something better for the Lord and the Lord's people, and this we can understand.


Cathy_of_Alex said...

Hard to get a sense of from the distance but I agree the eyes on the top one are pretty scary.

Habemus Papam said...

I think my eyes are going to burn off. I'm totally in agreement with Fr. O, this is bad. It looks like someone vomited in the shape of ppl onto the window.

Jeff Miller said...

Hard to tell, but the one one top the eyes are way out of proportion like Anime style art.

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo is Fr. O right! Very cathartic to hear someone say what everyone is thinking.