Monday, January 21, 2008


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT CAN BE FOUND: “When you consider that women have been treated as property it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit.” Elizabeth Cady Stanton

QUOTE II – “Now our society is deranged. (We do not mean to be harsh. We are killing our children; if we are not deranged, we are something much, much worse.)” From an article in the Catholic World Report.


No news to share came in this week so here is an excerpt from a book I finished reading on retreat.

Our earthly worship environment should help us see what we can’t see. It should strive to imitate its heavenly counterpart, which we glimpse through Revelation. Too often our liturgical art, music, and architecture bow to utility and economy, when they should bow to the transcendent. John’s vision (in the book of Revelation) inspires us to rethink the ways we design our churches. The visible should be a vehicle for the invisible, lifing our senses a taste of the glorious mystery in which we partake, filling our beings with reverence and awe, lifting our minds and hearts to heaven.” From Scott Hahn’s book, “A Father Who Keeps His Promises”.

Just one more:

The most convincing reception of the work wick perhaps be this: That in such a church, before such a work, a young pagan can kneel and pour our his whole heart. Then the artist will know that God is truly served by him.” Archbishop Christophe Schonborn, O.P.

All that being said, here are some pictures of Saint Augustine in Larchmont where Fr. B and I visited. There is something about the building that draws one in and invites him to be quiet and pray. It is friendly toward devotions with a number of shrines and candles to light. Inside its walls one is transported to a different realm far more conducive to spiritual endeavors. All that is required is that one steps across the threshold from the loud and busy world into this sacred space.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got stuck in a snow storm this morning and my 45 minute to work took an hour and a half. Then I had a project to finish up and got stuck at work an hour later than expected. Then it was a race home, meet the parents for dinner, put the baby to bed, and finally relax for a couple hours.

All that being said, the idea of taking sanctuary for a couple hours in the peace and quiet of Saint Augustine sounds very appealing right now!! :)

(Actually, I've got Immaculate Conception right near by.. no excuse for not going, really!)

I'm glad you (and Fr. B) got a chance to "re-energize" at the retreat. We have a lot of great priests in the diocese and you guys really do deserve some breaks.