The Diocese of Cleveland Enewsletter reports that the Diocese now has videos regularly posted on Youtube. Go here for more information.
Have you ever heard the argument that we must allow porn if we are going to have a truly free society? It sounds logical does it not? Actually nothing could be further from the truth. In fact it is quite the opposite. Here is a great article to help you fight against porn.
In the Diocese of Cleveland Enewsletter the diocese responds to an article in the Plain Dealer. Click here for more concerning this: "In his February 23, 2011 Plain Dealer article, Tom Ott suggested that students in our Catholic schools fare no better than students in the Cleveland Municipal School District (CMSD.) While the test data posted by Mr. Ott is accurate, but very limited, he leads the reader to an inaccurate conclusion."
From the same source: Keep informed! You can now "fan" the Diocese of Cleveland on Facebook. (I actually have no idea what this means.) Read more here.
Hey! Take a look at this! I am so very honored!
Eric sent this in. It is a live cam on Ferris State's Osprey nest. It updates every 10 seconds. Every time I look there isn't much to see but who know? Here it is if you want to keep tabs. Thanks Eric.
This site should only be visited today. (Don't torment yourself after today.) Happy Paczki Day! Thanks Frank.
There may be a lot of things we don't agree with Mormons about but here they have it all over us. Thanks JP for sending in this Washington Post article.
Here is Bishop Lennon's Lenten message courtesy of The Dioceses of Cleveland Enewsletter.
CK sent this in. Catholics: You really should at least watch the first video on this link! Do you think we still do not have martyrs? Do you think the world still does not need brave and radical witnesses for Christ? Think again! (I feel a homily coming on.) Thanks CK.
Speaking of martyrs, hammerkg sent this picture in of an altar of my favorite martyr. It is in Michigan. Thanks.
Here is an awesome 2.5 minute video sent in by an anonymous reader. Great for kicking off lent. I still don't have the kind of poise that this kid does!
Lynn sent this in, it is a 360 degree picturamma. It is kind of fun to left - right - up - down. Give it a go.
Fr. K sent this in. Of the monks featured here he says, "This is the monastic community that was one of the moments toward becoming Catholic. That was when they were in Oconomowoc, WI 1976/1977 when I was a Lutheran vicar (ministerial internship) at Cross Lutheran Church in Milwaukee. They are more remote now, in Sparta, WI." Here is the link.
Pat sent this in for a laugh. A minute and a half. Sebastian is "vocal" but not like this. I think that I am grateful.
Russ sent this in if you need a couple minutes of laughter on this Fat Tuesday. Thanks.