Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Why isn’t the Church/pope/bishop speaking out on “X?”  Why do they seem so obsessed with sex when there is so much going on???
Funny how that seems isn’t it?  The fact is that the Church/pope/bishop IS speaking out on many of the hot button issues that are near and dear to your heart.  The problem is: How do they get the message to YOU? 
Firstly, the media has to be willing to print/report/post what was said.  You can send out a million press releases and hold ten thousand press conferences, but if someone doesn’t think it will sell or, and let’s be honest, if they are opposed to the Church, it will not make its way to your senses. 


That is the supposed purpose of the diocesan newspaper.  It is to be the voice of the bishop and the diocese.  Sadly that is not always the case.  Further, print is just going the way of the buggy whip.  It was announced this past week that the Diocese of Cleveland’s newspaper the Catholic Universe Bulletin (coolest name ever) is going out of print.
For years I have been hoping to find someone to write an article for the parish bulletin (I may have finally found somebody) who would scour the internet, Vatican, diocesan, NCCB, etc . . . and give the briefest of summaries on what is going on and being said in the Church and giving links so people CAN read and catch up.
The other problem is that the Church seems so obsessed with SEX.  But it comes back to how a story is reported.  It is fun (but sad) to read an article in the paper about something the pope said concerning the mating habits of humans which makes the headlines and absorbs 90% of the article only to find out that it was a passing comment within a much broader and far more important talk.
How do we get our voice back?  I know our diocese is looking for alternatives and not only online.  My hope is that not only will the form of the news reach each person but that the content will be worthwhile.  We don’t need any more fluff.  In the meantime we must be pro-active.  Do not take the T.V. or the local newspaper or internet story as the complete Gospel on Church reporting.  If something catches you, look it up on line.  Be careful of which sources you choose.  Scour the Vatican, USCCB, and diocesan websites.  Find original materials.  It’s work, but for now, if you want it, you have to look for it.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "Life is unfair.  Mystery isn't fair.  And life is a mystery."  Roughly the thoughts of Julian or Norwich through a friend of mine.
QUOTE II:  "Life is unfair.  What's going on is life."  Fr. John Loya
The Ice Bucket Challenge is all the rage and the Archdiocese of Cincinatti is hot water for dousing the fun like a bucket of water on a birthday cake.  So what is a good Catholic to do?  (I've been challenged by the way.)  One guy did it for an organization that does not use embryonic stemcell research.  Go here to read more.  Thanks Fr. B!
Mary sent this article in about a church renovation.  Go here to see some before and after pictures of renovations.  I really enjoy these - especially going in this direction instead of the other way!  Thanks Mary.

She also sent this 12 minute video.

Monday, August 25, 2014


It was a great summer at the St. Sebastian rectory.  It was a full rectory.  There was, of course, the two priests assigned here and my cousin, Fr. T. who is here for the summer waiting to go back to Rome for studies, three seminarians, the dog, and occasional other visitors.  And then they were all just gone.  The seminarians left to return to their studies and the other priests were gone for the weekend leaving me to bid a tearful farewell to all as I felt abandoned.
For about two seconds.
Offers were made to get help for me for the weekend but I was cherishing the idea of being alone with Sebastian for THREE WHOLE DAYS!  I got out my list of things to do when there is nobody else around.  Chores can be much for fun because there is nobody around to ask questions or give advice - or complain about what you are doing.  So here is what I intended to do:
And here, of course, is what I actually did after having all of the Masses, confessions, and baptisms, and attending all of the parish events this weekend.  You did see this coming didn't you?

Friday, August 22, 2014


Yesterday we had a new student picnic for families that are coming to St. Sebastian Parish School.  I was asked to say a few words and as part of that something similar to this was said, “This is Catholic school and at the center of that is Jesus Christ.  As such it is essential that you bring your kids to Mass on Sunday.”  After I asked a teacher if it seemed too harsh and the teacher responded, “No.  It was plain.  I like plain, clear speaking.”
Paragraph 19 is the Church speaking clearly and plainly concerning what she believes about the four Gospels.  She “unhesitatingly affirms” that what they faithfully relay to us what Jesus said and taught concerning our salvation until the day of His ascension.  After His ascension, what is written is true but is a further reflection on what they witnessed, learned, and contemplated in the Holy Spirit.  The purpose of their writing is that we might know truth.
This is not mentioned specifically but it points toward the development of the Bible also.  Firstly all these things had to be witnessed.  There are obviously things in Scripture that took place after Jesus ascended.  Hence Jesus did not hand the Church a completed Bible.  The disciples then went about teaching and preaching.  Only then did they write anything down and they were not all together when they wrote.  In fact, it would be centuries before an official Bible took form as the writings are brought together, used, studied, debated, with the Catholic Church, relying on sacred Tradition, declaring a definitive version of the Bible, which remained in place until Martin Luther.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


In less than 15 years this parish will be celebrating its 100th anniversary.  It isn’t too soon to start planning.  One of the things on the wish list is a restoration of the church building.  (N.B. restoration, not renovation)  There is one thing, however, that I would like to change though I do not know if it is possible and perhaps you might be able to help.  (No, not by sending in money – although if you want to it would not be refused!)


A few years ago while somewhere in Europe I came across a church (the only place I have ever seen it) where the kneelers were counterweighted so that when you stood up they slowly went up on their own and rested in an out-of-the-way upright position.  Normally this would involve people bending over to grab or kicking up with their feet the kneeler accompanied by great banging usually while trying to start the Pater Noster.  Like cell phones, totally distracting and annoying during the Mass.  The only problem is, after great searching on the internet, I have failed to find anything.
Here’s where you come in . . . have you seen such beasts?  Do you know who makes them?  If you do, would you kindly let me know???

There was a sign in my home town the other day that pleaded, “School is in.  Please drive slow.” 
Apparently we really need school to be in.  “Please drive slowLY.  Drive SLOWLY.  Cars are slow.  People are slow.  But one drives SLOWLY.  We goed to skool in order to be teached that their.
( I know.  Get over it.  My grammer is not perfect either.)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


The Episcopal Church has been running a campaign for the past decade or so which says, “God loves you.  No exceptions.”  It is absolutely true.  It wouldn’t be a bad slogan for the Catholic Church to kick around.  It is defiantly a part of our theology and perhaps not expressed often enough.
Jesus, of course, demonstrated this.  Did he limit Himself to just loving those who got straight As in school and only crossed the street at the crosswalk?  No.  He hung out with prostitutes, talked with Samaritan women, and cured a Roman guard’s servant.  God loves every one of His creation.

The problem is with leaving the statement there.  God does love you.  But what does that mean?  Coming to realize that God loves you requires a response.  Love requires a response.  “This is me, love me or get away” is not part of the relationship of love.  Jesus loved the prostitutes but he didn’t love them because they were prostitutes.  He had something better in mind for them.  To have an encounter with Jesus was to know that God loves you.  But is also an encounter with the perfect being.  Part of His gift to you is to lift you up, raise your dignity, your sense of worth, to expand your freedom, increase joy, and push you toward the ideal.  Who in Scripture did Jesus leave exactly as they were?  Those that had no intention of changing never became part of His circle.  That does not mean that He did not love them.  He even loved the soldiers putting Him to death, but if He couldn’t work with them, He moved on.
When the Catholic Church says, “Jesus loves you, no exceptions,” she does not mean, “So therefore you need not change one iota.”  It means, “Jesus loves you and He wants MORE for you.  More life.  More freedom.  More healing.  A greater capacity for love.  A broader notion of who you are.  Love with God is a relationship that requires a response.  It will not leave you stationary.  (If it does, something is very wrong.)  This is ride to someplace beloved one.  Get ready for a journey.”

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "A quick lesson in Natural Law:  If you fill (the gas tank) in your car with molasses, it won't run no matter what your paradigm."  Janet E. Smith
QUOTE II:  "Even if you stick your finger in a socket by ignorance, you still get shocked."  Rev. Gerry Bednar
From the Diocese of Cleveland Enewsletter:  Our bishop on the situation in the Middle East.  Go here.

Here is a picture entitle, "Don't Let It Go to Your Head"
(For those who don't know, that's my dog Sebastian.)  Thanks to seminarian Mike P. for the pic.
Need a laugh?  Frank sent this video in.
The new course catalogue is out for the Academy of Culture and Arts at St. Sebastian.  Here is the online version.
Imagine Sisters has been posted here before but they are on a role so here, once again, is more information about them:

Monday, August 18, 2014


So . . .

I am back from vacation.  When a priest travels he must have a letter of suitability with him if he intends to celebrate a Mass publically outside of his diocese.  I didn't get around to getting a card so I thought it would be fun just to attend Mass someplace and see how it is prayed elsewhere.
So on Saturday my sister and I were going to go to this tiny little church in the woods.  They only have one Sunday Mass and it was on Saturday.  I was very much looking forward to it but the forces that be prevented us from making it on time.  So I figured we was meant to go somewhere else and on Sunday.
The one we knew we were not going to go to was the "big" Catholic Church in the nearby town which looked more like a renovated Kmart - and I apologize for insulting Kmart.  I am sure they have a wonderful, perfectly valid and licit Mass, but I was on vacation and wanted beauty.
So we drove quite a distance to go to a lovely church - beautiful!  We walked in and took a pew and prayed until it was announced that we would not be able to hear their pipe organ as the organist had just called in sick.
Oh well.
Then the celebrant said, "We are a friendly church.  So I want everyone to stand up and introduce themselves to the person sitting next to them."
For various reasons I find this trite and I have written about it in the past.  Not the least reason I don't recommend this practice is this:
My goal was simply to be there and pray with this community.  Once, many years ago, I was speaking with a liturgist after a Mass and he was asked, "What do you think of they way we celebrate mass here."  He raised is eyebrows and put his arms out and said, "I came here to pray with you, not to evaluate."  I think he was lying or insane.
I tried SO HARD to do this but it was an uphill battle when facing this:
Like I'm perfect (or even semi-perfect) right?  So who am I?  But STILL.  ARG!  See??  SEE???  I'm still grinding my teeth over it.  How have I failed my spiritual director?  Oh.

So when I tell people to get over it from now on when they complain about how a priest says Mass, I will try to keep this in mind.  My advice won't change though.  So . . .

It's the end of Mass.  The priest says, "Let us pray."  We all dutifully stand.  He says the prayer and ends with, "We ask this through Our Lord . . . one God for ever and ever."  And we dutifully say, "Amen."  Then he sounds as if he is going into the final blessing  BUT IT'S A TRICK!
So we stand there for his final dialogue with our fingers stuck to our foreheads.  Only the locals know and keep their hands down.  Sis knows I've about had it.  She sneaks me out the side door and flicks holy water on my to calm me down. 

Next year I'm taking my Mass kit.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "We simply do not know enough about what we call 'sexual orientation' - nor are we likely to for a very long time - to embrace a completely novel understanding of the ultimate purposes of love and sex on the one hand, or to discount without pause the questions about it that both historical study and social testimony have raised on the other"  from Ephraim Radner's article, "Anglicanism on It's Knees" in "First Things"
QUOTE II:  "High school hockey is such a Catholic sport."  Said by a Protestant traveling hockey Mom who marvelled at a Catholic's ability to attend Mass just about anywhere.

I will be away from the parish for the next week so there will be no posts.  August 15th we get to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption.  The parishes in the Akron area feel so blessed by this holy day of obligation, the most important of the Marian feasts, that we make attending Mass as easy as we possibly can.  Here is the local (to Adam's Ale) Mass schedule:
Thursday, August 14th:       5:30PM vigil    St. Bernard
                                             7:00PM vigil    St. Sebastian
Friday, August 15th:            6:30AM           St. Vincent
                                             7:00AM            St. Hilary
                                              8:00AM          St. Sebastian
                                             9:00AM           St. Vincent and St. Hilary
                                              11:00AM        St. Vincent
                                              12:10PM         St. Bernard and St. Hilary
                                              5:15PM           St. Sebastian (extraordinary form - Latin)
                                              6:30PM           St. Hilary
                                              7:00PM           St. Sebastian
I SPY:  When can you view the International Space Station?  Frank sent this site in.
Matt sent this in:
Pat sent this in:  "Search engine giant Google recently made a groundbreaking decision to eliminate pornography from their advertising."  Read more here.
Here is a link to the Ohio Shakespeare Festival's Iambic Pentameter song.  GO HERE

Monday, August 4, 2014


We were putting a new roof on our school this summer and they had one of those things that look like a lot of bottomless trashcans stacked together forming a shut to allow roof rubbish to slide down to the waiting truck.  This led to the what I think is already the saddest day of the school year, which hasn't even started yet, as experienced by a kid who hasn't even started kindergarten yet.

Friday, August 1, 2014


Among super important things, there are some things that are super-duper important.


There are four painting hanging in the rectory.  They are not great paintings.  They are probably mass produced by the square inch type paintings.  They are also not in tip top shape.  In fact, they were slated to be burned.  As parishes were closed in the diocese these paintings ended up in a warehouse and they were deemed so damaged as to be worthless.  Ever the good Slovenian I said, “I’ll take them and hang them in my dining room where it is so dark nobody will notice they are not in great shape.”

Score!  And so there they hang; one painting each of Matthew, Mark, and Luke are in the dining room and John, after whom I was named, hangs in my office across the hall.  The synoptic are hanging out together eating and John is doing his own thing in exile.  Seems fitting somehow. 
If you haven’t figured it out by now, the Vatican II documents want to hold up the inspiration and importance of all the Scriptures, Old as well as New.  (Kind of ironic to call something 2000 years old new isn’t it?)  But as important as all of Scripture is, the four Gospels have place of pride, are the crowning jewel, are the heart of it all, for in them those who lived with Christ, who were charged by him to preach, did then, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, write those things down.  (Jesus did not hand the disciples a book before His ascension into heaven.)  By this they are our primary source of knowledge of the life and teaching of our Savior.