Tuesday, June 28, 2011


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: “Thus we are busy people just like all other busy people, rewarded with the rewards which are rewarded to busy people!” Henri J. M. Nouwen

QUOTE IIThe terrible singularity, the chilling aloofness of the sovereign moral will.” Bruce Jennings


A young lady came to the parish for a blessing before embarking on a trip. (That is cool news in and of itself!) But her trip is going to be an interesting one. She will be traveling on bike from Maine to California stopping along the way to help build affordable housing with an organization called Bike and Build. It is not a Christian movement but a worthwhile project. According to their mission statement, "Bike & Build envisions future generations who are committed to a lifetime of civic engagement and who inspire individuals and communities to create fair, decent housing for all Americans." If you would like more information look here.

In a much more Catholic specific mode - The King's Men is an organization to help men in their Christian/Catholic calling. According to their mission statement, "Under Christ the King’s universal call to serve, we as men, pledge to unite and build up other men in the mold of leader, protector, and provider through education, formation and action." They also work hard at eliminating porn in men's lives and in our communities. Read more here.

What can I say but WOW to this eight minute video? Would I have the nerve? Would I have the stregth to hold our monstrance like that for ten minutes? It got pretty heavy just on our short porcession on Corpus Christi! Thanks Pat.

Here is a picture of our Coprus Christi procession this year.

From the Diocese of Cleveland Enewsletter, "WOIO TV19 News in Cleveland aired a story in its 11:00 p.m. newscast on Tuesday, June 21,2011 on the sale of five Diocesan properties to White Hat management. White Hat operates charter schools and was already leasing at three of the locations at the time the sales were consummated.

Reporter Paul Joncich used these terms to describe the transactions, "the Diocese only received pennies on the dollar," Catholics were described as "frustrated" by the sales, and the five churches were sold "for a song." Nothing could be further from the truth." Read more here.

YEA! for Pampers! If there were more commercials like this maybe I would watch T.V. again.

Is divorce losing its appeal? Read about the Times article here.

Congratulations to our choir for a FABULOUS concert on Sunday!  They will be leaving for to perform in Rome on July 4th. 

Do you remember the new statue of John Paul II reported here earlier? The artist defends his work here.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Hi Father -

Thanks for the lovely procession picture!

My former parish, St. Bernard downtown, and the parish we merged with, St. Mary's, both had their closing Masses a year ago this past Sunday. It was a terribly sad, heartbreaking day for all of us.

This Corpus Christi Sunday, our pastor led a procession on the grounds of St. Mary's, bearing the Blessed Sacrament and reciting the Rosary. I am so glad I now have a beautiful, warm memory of this day. I will also be forever grateful to Bishop Lennon for putting our parishes together and for sending us our exceptionally faithful and kind pastor. God is good!

Blessings from St. Bernard-St. Mary Parish