Tuesday, March 12, 2019


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "And what about chastity?  It's a basic truth of Christian discipleship.  And it does not mean, "Sorry, no sex for you."  Rather, God asks us to live our sexuality virtuously according to our calling."  from Archbishop Chaput's, "Strangers in a Strange Land."

QUOTE II:  "Choices don't stay buried."  same source


G. P. sent in THIS great article, "Do Catholics Care about Art?"  

E. P. sent in THIS article, "Rhode Island Catholic Mom Fights Abortion with Powerful Campaign."

P. V. sent in THIS article "5 Kids Who Think They Are Transgender."

Our very own Marty Miller will be speaking at the next Theology on Tap Akron!  PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE OF LOCATION!
You are invited to this concert coming up at St. Sebastian:
I am very excited about this new stone sign next the main entrance at the Julie Billiart School:
St. Sebastian Parish Mission is coming up on Sunday, March 24th through the 27th at 7PM with Fr. Philip Scott.  His ministry is the HEALING OF THE FAMILY.  YOU are invited!
Fr. Philip's website can be found HERE.

Here is an example of his speaking:

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