An update from the postulant from St. Clare who is joining the Sisters of Life in New York: She appreciates any prayers that may have been offered for her interview with MTV. The taping was for a news segment that will air sometime in April. She asked that our prayers may help people who see the segment "know that there is a God who made them and has a plan, a purpose, [and] a dream for them in their lives."
Those of you who mentioned such things will like to know that she and her fellow postulants are currently in the process of sewing their own habits. It turns out that none of them had ever sewn before so I hope that doesn't bode poorly for what they will look like once the don them! One more quote from her general letter, "It was also amazing because it was time to ponder our external transformation that will happen in June that will reflect the internal transformation that is happening through formation. One of the most awesome realizations is that it is a sign to the world and myself of the eternal, we are all made for something more, for that glorious union with Christ which real. More simply put, it is a sign that God is alive and well; a sign of hope."
Now that I am the last person to report on such things, (I am just now getting together a group of people to with whom to study it) here is a link to take you to the exhortation that came from Rome concerning the Eucharist, "Sacramentum Caritatis". Enjoy!
I followed the link to the Sisters of Life. I love these new religious orders.
I am a teacher and principal in a smalll Catholic school. I have to go to Phoenix to attend a lot of meetings. There are, of course, lots of nuns in the rooms at these meetings but it took me a while to learn that because most, the older ones, don't wear habits. The middle-aged ones might wear the (headgear? what do you call the part of the nun's garment that goes on the head?). Only the young ones wear the full regalia. I hope their devotion continues into the future.
A question. How do you put 'links' in your text like you did for the Sisters of Life? WHat is the 'code'?
Oh yes, I found (including myself) that the younger women entering religious life feel the habit is of great importance to them. It is an outward sign of their commitment to God and their service to the Church. Rock on Sisters of Life! Another really great order is the Nashville Dominicans....they also don the habit.
Oh I totally miss her...
Well, this is good news indeed.
When you're in the "create" screen, just type the text you want to link. Say, "Sisters of Life". In another window, open the Sisters of Life web page, click on the URL, right click on it and hit "copy".
Go back to the "Create" page and to the text you plan to link. Highlight it. Then go to the little green icon at the top of the text box - I think it looks like sunglasses. Click on that and a hyperlink box will appear. Paste the URL into that box. You may have to delete the extra "http://" that is automatically there, or just erase it before you add the copied URL.
Hope that helps!
And the "headger" Sisters wear is called a "veil"...or are the middle aged ones wearing helmets these days? :-)
My question has always been how they manage to keep those things on their heads? I had a dream once where I was seated next to a nun and I asked her...and then woke up. Frustrating!
habemus ~ I love the Nashville Dominicans! Also Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus, Sisters in Jesus the Lord (missionary order locally here, very new, solid, will wear habits in public after the Archbishop's approval). These are the communities that are growing.
For the record, I'm in my early 30's and I would not consider a community that does not wear the habit. When I was discerning that possible call, those were the only ones I looked at because the witness is important and I noticed that those who got rid of the habit are also not the most faithful orders. Sad.
I have a friedn who was discerning the Sisters of Life...nothing has transpired with that, so I don't think she's called, but they are an incredible order.
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