QUOTE II: :It is now a radical pro-life act to cook and eat at home.” The above two from David Bereford’s “Suppertime” in Gilbert Magazine
Yes, I’ve quoted this article a couple of times in the past few weeks. I found it one of the most brilliant and relevant short articles on the downfall of the family dinner to come out in a while. If I ever find it on line I will post it for you. A friend of mine cooks well for her family. Everything is homemade. Her kids went away to school and were shocked to find out how deplorable their peer’s experience of food and eating and family life was. They’ve all taken vows to continue the tradition of scorning the yellow arches and to share this experience with their families. See? There is still hope.
Fr. GDB sent this great site over. It is not Catholic specific, but it is a great resource. It says of itself, "We are a community of artists, storytellers, filmmakers, poets and theologians. Our work is to tell the story we share and to ask poignant questions through film, literature, art and music. We confess that we are created in the image of God and fulfill our calling by creating and recreating to the glory of God." Check it out. Thanks Fr.!
The hawks (I believe we've determined that is what they are) that live in our bell tower have had their babies and they are now flying about the parish terrorizing the bird and squirrel population. Here is a picture of (what I am guessing to be) dad and son on Father's Day.
This site reports frequently requested Catholic statics. "CARA gets many inquiries from Church agencies and the media about the numbers for vocations, seminary enrollments, priests and vowed religious, parishes, Mass attendance, schools and the Catholic population."
30 seconds:
My mom and I (an only child) often had tv dinners later in my life. It saved her a lot of thinking and planning, and since she was caring for her bed-bound mom downstairs, as well as for her widowed bro' and his daughter downstairs, she could do with a break anywhere, anytime. So, it was eye-opening on many levels to dine at my Mormon best friend's house. My first night there, I was whispered by friend to put some of my (first ever) tossed salad back, as it had to feed all 11 of us. :-) Embarrassing!
Somehow, I ended up with two sets of two kids and a number of homeless individuals through the years. And still. I'm still trying to get used to sitting around the table every night, and I have squawked about cooking every night these 26 years and even moreso about dishes, but folks really can't imagine how dearly a real home-cooked supper around the table is held. It is no less than a Godsend. It heals and connects and cements as well as feeds. May God forgive me every squawk!
Uh, inner squawking, I mean! On the inside, I am still and always spoiled rotten. Anyway, an excellent point to make. Home suppers are indeed more crucial than ever.
Children who share a daily meal with the family are far more likely to do well in school and in life--and there is research to back up this assertion.
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