We have some seminarians living at St. Sebastian this summer. One of them has rarely been south of 303 and so we have been introducing him to all that is Akron. While doing so we thought of some things that will help you know of you are becoming a true Akronite as well as a dyed in the wool Sebastianite. Here are some of the things with which we came up. If you have any to add I would greatly appreciate it.

You are VERY careful when shoveling snow.
You can drive down Mull Avenue, the brick street that runs in front of parish, and know the secret path around all of the swells and waves of bricks so that you can go 35mph without destroying your car.
You know they used to skate in Forest Lodge Park and further you know that Forest Lodge Park is actually actually Elm Hill Park but you don’t care.
You know there are no Elm trees on Elmdale Avenue, in Elm Hill Park, or at Our Lady of the Elms.

You never hated LeBron James.
You have strong opinions about Catholic high schools.
You know the parish story about galoshes.
You have a 50% chance of knowing how to play bridge or someone in your household knows how to play.
You know that between an old rusted piece of abandoned pipe and an ornamental lamp post, the one that will get hit by a car is the lamp post.
You prefer traffic circles to oddly designed five way stops.
You never realized that you realized that there are two identical statues of St. Mary on the parish grounds until someone points it out to you.
When you look up you are not terribly surprised to see a blimp.
If you want to come early or stay late at church you know better than to park in the undersized parking lot.
You know where the devil strip is.
There is a 50% chance that you have something of Don Drum in your house.
If you see someone in the bell tower your first thought is, “The pastor must be trying to get away from it all,” not, “Is there someone up there with a rifle?”