Tuesday, June 17, 2008


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: "It is far better to endure patiently a smart which nobody fells but yourself than to commit a hasty action whose evil consequences will extend to all connected with you." from Bronte's "Jane Eyer"

QUOTE II - "Learn to say, "I'm sorry." You'll live better and die happier." Fr. S. Klasinski


I am away for a couple of days on a short retreat with my seminary classmates to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. I have the computer set up to post these in advance. I hope it all works out well! Please say a quick prayer for us.

A sign of the times:


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the sign! ROFL!

And...praying for you, as always, but special prayers now. :-)

Anonymous said...

First you read it, then you do it. Darn those signs!!! LM

Anonymous said...

I love it--a sign that panders to rebels, but only to save their briskets. And exactly, LM --It's like reading "Wet Paint." We don't believe that first word whatsoever!

Praying for priests..


uncle jim said...

it needs a clarifier:

"Law suits invalid"

Anonymous said...

Say a prayer Fr. I join the church on Saturday. YAY!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! I just read the 'small print' at the bottom!!!! LOL (ok, not very observant)

It's like an afterthought! LM

Anonymous said...

LM, one of us is more a rebel than the other, but I can't figure out who!

Hey, Kat --welcome home. May God fill you.

Anonymous said...

Anon - regarding the 'rebel' comment...

and I'm entering a convent!!! LOL
(think I've gotta curb that!) *grin*

Anonymous said...

just curious...does fr. klasinski practice what he preaches? he's not exactly one to apologize to anyone...