Forget about converting anybody. You aint gonna do it.
So stop worrying about it.
The Holy Spirit does the converting. You may be a tool that the Holy Spirit uses
so keep at it! Trust God to work.

God is. From Him came
everything and all things will return to Him.
We can fight it, but it is the way of all being. God desires you, reveals Himself to you,
entices you with His love and glory as He wishes to bring you home where you
have a place to be loved and belong.
I think one of the most brilliant things God did was to give
Himself the formal name, “Father.” Think
about it: when a baby is born, it pretty much knows “Mom.” He just spent nine months of 24/7 with
her. All of a sudden then there is this
hairy being that wants to hold and feed and play with him. We may have an innate idea of “Dad,” but
you’ve got to get to know him. The way
you do this is by spending time with him, conversing and communicating, and
growing in love.
We also have to get to know The Father. We get to know Him too by spending time with
Him, talking (praying) with Him, and spending time with Him. That innate idea that He exists in the first
place is the movement of the Holy Spirit within us – that grace already at work
to bring us to know Him. These burning
coals of the Holy Spirit need to be fanned to grow to a flame. This comes by way of paying attention to
them, and having them fed by His self-revelation so that it grows to a mighty
There is a joke that goes like this:
The pastor of a parish went before the altar in the church,
knelt down, and began to pray, “Lord, have mercy on me. I am nothing in your sight.”
The parochial vicar observing his pastor and being impressed
knelt down next to him and also began to pray, “Lord, you are everything. I place myself at your feet. I am nothing in your presence.”
The janitor seeing the two clerics set down his mop, walked
over to the sanctuary step and knelt down next to the priests and also began to
pray, “Lord my God, only in you do I live and move and have my being. You are all.
Have mercy on me since without you, I am nothing.”
The parochial vicar, on seeing this, elbowed the pastor and
whispered out of the side of his mouth, “Look who thinks he’s nothing.”
(insert laugh here)

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