As reported on a Quote Tuesday, Mr. John Allen, Senior Correspondent
for the NCR and Senior Vatican Analyst for CNN, gave a talk on Pope Francis at
the First Friday Club of Greater Akron.
In his talk he said that if you really want to understand this pope, one
must see his actions through three basic pillars through which the pope guides
his pontificate.
The first is “Leadership through Service.” If there was anybody deserving to be served
and worshipped, it was God Himself, Jesus Christ. Yet what did He do? He came to live among us as a man and used
His glory, honor, and power to serve His people who were in need of
saving. Likewise, Francis calls on his
clergy to move away from a mindset of privilege and as shepherds to carry the
scent of the sheep on them. It is good
advice for everybody. Instead of using our
resources and privileges solely for self aggrandizement, use what we have been
given to assist those who do not have your blessings.

Finally is the idea of “Mercy.” Perhaps this pope will be remembered as the
pope of mercy. Though one cannot separate
the idea of judgment from mercy, perhaps we have a great handle on the judgment
of God, but not so much on His mercy, which this pope emphasizes. “God never tires of forgiving.” This is a message we need to proclaim and
This is the new pontifical age. With John Paul we had, “Be Not Afraid.” With Benedict we saw highlighted faith being
wedded to reason, and with Benedict: “Mercy.” How blessed we are in our leadership.
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