When the Michelin Tire Company in France wanted to boost car
sales (and subsequently a need for tires) they started rating restaurants. The idea was to cultivate a desire to travel
to see these wonderful places and enjoy their outstanding dishes. It may seem a trifle, but it was a step
toward making us the mobile culture that we are. It was also a long term project. It would not change the world overnight. It was a gentle and patient development of a

So, what are we going to do about it? One thing we are going to try to do (funding
is always an issue) is make keyboard lessons available at our parish. If we can get a good group of youth (or
adults) playing keyboard, some may discover a true talent. Perhaps, since they will be formed in a
Catholic setting, they may move to organ and have a desire to play for
Mass. It may not be for any parish that I
have anything to do with. But that is
Okay. If there were 20 parishes in the
diocese that did this, then maybe one of the students from another parish will
eventually help this community out.
Somebody has to start.
There must be a source somewhere.
The fact that it may not benefit me directly is not an excuse not to try
something. It should be seen like
vocations. Rarely does a man return to
his home parish. But in sending someone
out, we can hope to receive someone back from another parish that cultivates

Bravissimo, Fr. V.!
Say are you, by any chance looking for Catholic pianists/teachers who have a vision for using music to glorify God to teach there? I can already think of one person who might fit the bill quite well.
Our organist encourages young piano students in our parish by occasionally inviting them to prepare a piece to play while the choir is receiving communion.
The challenge is set! May the courageous step forward or encourage one they believe has this hidden gift to step forward! We have a Beethoven in our midst!!
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