Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are formal names.

We pray, “In the Name of . . .”

We baptize, “In the Name of . . .”

We bless, “In the Name of . . .’

We are saved by The Name above all other names.

We hold God’s Name as sacred.

But did you know that your name is sacred also? Not in the same degree, but sacred none the less.

When you received a name at your baptism it became your name for eternity. Even marriage is “until death do us part,” but your name is yours eternally. God calls us each by name and when He does so, “the mysterious and unique character of each person marked with God’s Name will shine forth in splendor.” (CCC 2158-2159)

A person’s name demands respect. It stands as an icon of the person and is a sign of the dignity of the person who bears it.

I hope you like your name.

LogoThere are
or fewer people with my name in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

10 million people in the word may have your name. That number could be multiplied a number of times over if one considers all those who may have your name in the Kingdom of Heaven. But in the mouth of God it is a unique calling. Like a parent who calls your name out in a crowded grocery store you know it is a distinct call to you. Only more so. Every angel, St. Thomas tells us, is so unique that each represents a sort of species unto its own. Our names are unique in a similar fashion and when God calls us by them 10 million people will not look up for all will know that he spoke your name and your name alone.

In this life he calls us to reflect Christ. We all cannot possibly reflect Christ perfectly. In fact we can only stumble about trying to be like Him partially. But He calls each of us by name to reflect Christ in our particular and unique way. We know what it is. It is a calling that rings something inside of us, makes us feel alive. It makes us excited to wake and tired but happy to bed. We are animated in talking about it. It is constructive and beautiful. Sometimes it seems unreasonable and often life tries to beat it out of us as we are called to fill our “normal” social roles.

This is not a calling to a vocation. That comes later. This is first a specific knowledge of what you are supposed to do or who you are supposed to be. It is a basic movement without a job title. Perhaps it is a movement toward the poor, or creating something beautiful, or imparting knowledge, or ennobling society. The list is endless. But when one finally hears his name being called and understands it (a process that hits many people in their 20s) then one needs to decide what kind of vocation will best allow for the living out of my calling.

Then before the heavenly gates it will not only be a matter of how well you respected The Name, but how well you respected the name by which He called you.


Pat said...

About 25 years ago, after reading the gospel account of the beheading of St. John the Baptist, I said to the Lord, "OK, I know this story. Nothing new here." That night, I had a dream in which I saw nothing (only blackness) but heard a Voice explaining to me the significant points in that gospel that I had missed during my short meditation. The Voice reviewed the teaching again and concluded, "Now, remember this, Patricia." Then, I woke up.

No one in my close circle of family or friends ever calls me by my baptismal name (Patricia), except my father. And perhaps, my Heavenly Father?

Adoro said...

OK, the next time I have to wear a name tag like that, I'm TOTALLY writing "...Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die."

And I'll see how long it takes for people to notice, and whether or not they have any sense of humor at all!


I'll let you know how it goes!