And for that matter, thank you for all of you out there who worked to keep us safe and warm. God bless you. I slept well because you slaved away. You are in my prayers today.
The picture of Mary is a piece of gla
ss hanging in my window. Normally you would see a strip mall and a major road behind it. Yesterday all that was seen was a white cow covered in baking powder in a snow storm.

Okay, rmeind me again, why do people live in Ohio? Did they just get stuck there while fleeing Michigan?
ROFL . . . . . . . .
Come on . . .You're just jealous.
Yup, gotta love those plow guys!
So...you love Our Lady of Perpetual Help, too? I'm a HUGE fan...got 2 icons in my house! That's really pretty in the window.
I was scheduled to be sacristan at mass yesterday but with snow in my driveway and street up to my knees I had to call one of the sacristans a couple blocks from church. I traded her for today's noon mass hoping the city would have time to plow the streets. When I woke up this morning our street (a cul de sac and last on the priority list since its not a through street) was still not plowed. I called the city and my husband called our councilman but there was not a lot of hope the street would get plowed any time soon. I went out and shoveled the snow in the driveway and went in to get a shower knowing without the street plowed I wasn't going any where. As I was getting dressed ( my husband thought I was crazy) the snow plow came. My husband was amazed and said anyone that doesn't believe in the power of prayer is crazy!!! Now if I could just get him to go to mass....
*wonders if Fr. V. left modeling to go into the priesthood.. holy mackerel, how dapper he art*
I've come within a bulb's green shoot of giving up on Spring this year. It has snowed every 40 hrs. since Oct., I think. Some melts, some rains away, but it replenishes itself, too. *sigh.. Indeed, God bless the plowfolk.
You know, Fr. V., I just realized you're not wearing gloves in that snowstorm. Where are your gloves, young man? Frostbite is nasty, nasty business, you know!
He's also not wearing galoshes. But real Ohioans do not, I hear.
To tell the truth I only wear a coat and hat to satisfy those who would rather live in Florida. They get quite upset when you don't dress as though you were living on the North Pole.
JustMe said...
*wonders if Fr. V. left modeling to go into the priesthood.. holy mackerel, how dapper he art*
Oh, and thank you. Even celebates like to hear that from time to time. *blush*
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