Lumen Gentium paragraphs 61 & 62
I have a friend who became a Universalist Unitarian
Minister. For a long spell we would
write letters back and forth asking each other questions of faith and compare
answers. He had the idea that some day
we would compile all of the letters and put them in book form but the project
kind of fizzled out.

Around this time the title Mediatrix for Mary was being bandied
about more than usual (though it is a title afforded her in Vatican II) and it
was causing consternation in certain circles that were concerned that too much
power was being given to this human.
of the questions received from my friend expressed a certain amount of uneasiness
with the Catholic Church seemingly to be granting Mary a godly status, as if
becoming a part of the Trinity, which of course would now be a Quadernity.
Anyone the least steeped in true Catholic
theology would know this is impossible to do and remain a Catholic, but there were
concerns none-the-less.
I find this
But God always works in concert with His people. For example He does not baptize us in secret
without our knowledge, consent, and cooperation. In fact, it requires the community to do
this. (You can’t baptize yourself.) So God (Who is so powerful He can work
outside of His sacramental system) awaits our cooperation and man (Who is so
weak he can do nothing without God’s power) must say yes to God. This is why we have a priesthood. Yet (almost) nobody thinks that having
priests acting in God name, celebrating the sacraments, and speaking in His
Name is taking away from God’s power or majesty. The case is the same for Mary.

Mary, for her part, said yes to God’s requests.
She gave her body to house the God
She presented Him in the temple
to the Father.
She raised him and stood
by Him in His ministry, Passion, and death.
In a “wholly singular way she cooperated by her obedience, faith, hope,
and burning charity in the work of the Savior restoring supernatural life to
In this way she is called our
Mother, not to compete with God, but to show His power breaking into the world
just as we are all called to do.
remains our one true Mediator, but Mary, in her singular role (as similarly any
minister who baptizes brings life to a soul) plays a significant role.
Her role has universal significance and
continues to this day and so we call her “Advocate, Helper, Benefactress, and
Her role is clearly
subordinate to that of her Son, but by becoming closer to her who is so close
to God, we come closer to her Son just as coming closer to the heat brings you
closer to the fire.
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