Friday, April 13, 2012


I did not think that they would be done in time but the last of the organ was moved out of the church today in time for 4:00 confessions (without much time to spare.)  In the picture below you can see that there is no longer anything behind the screen in the choir loft - just space.  Here is one of the larger pipes being handed down from the balcony.

As it turned out they would only have to saw one pipe in half.  The rest squeezed out (but just barely.)  They supposed that they were installed before the screens were put up.  Below is what the church looked like yesterday with pipes laying around getting ready to be hauled away.

For those of you wondering what yesterday's tune was here is the answer:
bee hole (d), bee hole (d)
Behold, behold!

The wood of the cross
The wood of the Cross

On witch is hung "our salvation"
On which is hung our salvation

"O" come, lettuce, a door.
O come let us adore.

Some semblance of sanity and order should return to Adam's Ale next week.

For my friends involved in INSANITY, this sign was spotted at the seminary.


Matt W said...

Shouldn't that be "Don't have you're legs two wide"?

Anonymous said...

Fr. V. -Thank you for posting all the pictures of the organ removal! So interesting to see all those pipes and the massive undertaking to begin this process!
After the recession hymn on Sunday, I said I heard the organ on the first Sunday it was played - now I'm hearing it on the last Sunday it's played.
Well, we have a heavenly choir - and I just can't wait until we have our re-stored heavenly organ to accompany them.
See you in Church!