QUOTE II “I have said these things to you, that when the hour comes, you may remember that I told them to you” (John 16:4).
Thanks S. D.
TOO LATE: This made it too late for most of us to be able to get the word out well: From the Diocese of Cleveland: Holy Father Pope Francis has declared a Jubilee Year of Mercy celebration for a year beginning December 8, 2015, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, concluding on Sunday, November 20, 2016, the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe.
The opening of the Holy Doors of Mercy for the Diocese of Cleveland will take place at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist at 10:15 a.m. on December 13, 2015, just prior to the celebration of the 10:30 a.m. Mass. The faithful will be welcomed to come and cross over the threshold to experience God’s mercy. Bishop Lennon is encouraging at least two or three of the faithful from each parish be in attendance representing a gathering of the entire diocese at this Mass.
Parking will be available in the Cathedral surface lot (enter off Superior Ave.) and the Rockwell Avenue parking garage. For more information on this special liturgy, call the Diocesan Office for Worship at 216-606-6525 ex. 3630.
MORE ADVENT OPPORTUNITIES AT ST. SEBASTIAN: On Wednesday, December 16th from 5 to 8PM there will be priests available for confessions at St. Sebastian, St. Vincent, and St. Mary parishes.
During adoration on Tuesdays during Advent we will continue with our noon organ recitals. How awesome it is to be in the presence of Christ while listening to some wonderful music on our amazing organs!
These programs are free and family friendly, so if the young ones in your family can only sit through part of the concert, you won’t feel as though you lost out on the cost of the ticket if you must leave! I hope to see you there.
Short video on Advent
Father -
Will there be no confessions at St. Bernard on the evening of Wednesday, 12/16? I understood there would.
Thanks for any help you can give me.
I might be wrong but I thought Fr. Reed said both of them would be at St. Mary since there is some sort of event at St. Bernard that night . . . If you find out otherwise I would appreciate it.
In the current St. B bulletin, it says there will be confessions at St. Bernard the evening of 12/16. But maybe there is a mistake. Thanks, Father.
If you find out about St. Bernard, could you please let us know, Father? I was planning on going there for Confession on 12/16 for my Christmas Confession duty. Happy Advent.
So we called St. Bernard -
It IS at St. Bernard and NOT at St. Mary!!!
Glad you asked!
Thanx Father! It is all I can do to shove myself through the Confessional door. If no one was at the church once I got my courage up to confess, I might have talked myself out of trying again.
So today's Gospel reading has my favorite snippet of the Bible, the often proclaimed but overlooked Luke 1:29. It's surrounded by so much great stuff that I get why I never hear about its meaning - when you're the opening act for "You're gonna have a Son!" You really just want to get to the main event.
But lots and lots of Monday and Saturday rosaries kept me focused on 1:29 and it brought me great comfort. Here's the woman who would shortly after become the Queen of Heaven - the woman who hadn't sinned yet and certainly didn't here - and her first reaction to Gabriel's "Hello" isn't confusion, but the feeling of being "greatly troubled"
That's such a real, legitimate, honest human emotion that it catches me more and more off guard the more I read it. OF COURSE that's her first reaction. I mean, 1:29 is before anything is asked of her, before anything is explained to her. It's one of those things that reminds me that these are real people and real events. She's troubled by the greeting. She works through it. She complies anyway. It's particularly inspiring when you have questions or troubles or problems. You're not alone. Mary felt troubled too. She's praying for you.
Awesome. I love Luke 1:29
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