Why don’t we take a wild romp through the GIRM. In geeky Church circles this is pronounced
like “germ.” But you don’t get cooties
or anything like that from it. It is an
acronym for the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. In other words, it is the instructions manual
for having Mass.
Let’s start with paragraph 45 shall we? That is where things start to become a little
more interesting. Well, interesting for
people who find these things at least vaguely interesting.

Likewise, our churches are more than halls at which prayers
services take place. They are blessed
(and consecrated) places set aside for the worship of God and so activities
that we do in them are somewhat limited.
So there is something different there than the sanctuary of the
non-Catholic church where, when I was growing up, we held our Cub Scout meetings.

Think about it: You
pried the kids away from their computers, got your spouse moving, put up with
the question, “Do we have to?” 50 times, ran over a toy in the driveway,
remembered that you were supposed pick up the parish envelopes that are now
sitting in the dresser, got stuck behind the slowest driver ever, are late so
you have to park in the north 40, and your youngest dirtied his diaper and the
oldest just jumped into a mud puddle.
You don’t jump right into, “Our opening hymn will be . . .” You aren’t even really there yet. Silence!
“Be still and know that I am God.”
Of course getting people to cooperate with this is another
thing. Especially if you have a parish
in northeast Ohio without a gathering space.
Add to the mix two people who haven’t seen each other for a week and silence
is the LAST thing on their minds.
So how does a parish accommodate a happy medium? It’s a little like the fallacy of having a
smoking section in a dinette or a toddler urinating section in the local
pool. The two worlds just don’t really
fit together.
Isn’t it amazing that we have survived together for 2000
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