QUOTE II: "Stones are just stones and rain is just rain and misfortune is just bad luck. Some things are simply more rare than others, and that's why there are locks." same source
QUOTE III: "Sometimes the eye of the hurricane is the safest place to be." same source
QUOTE IIII: "A real diamond is never perfect." same source.
GO TO CONFESSION IN CLEVELAND: A nice mention in Fr. Z's blog. READ HERE.
News from the Diocese of Cleveland Enewsletter: For Lent the Diocese has started posting Lenten Reflections by Fr. Robert Barron. Go HERE.
News from the Diocese of Cleveland Enewsletter: For Lent the Diocese has started posting Lenten Reflections by Fr. Robert Barron. Go HERE.
Mary a priest friend about how to teach young adults about modern marriage issues. "
said that it cannot begin with speaking against same-sex "marriage",
but rather that it must begin with helping young people to see the beauty and
the wonder of how we are made male and female, with the marvelous
complementarity that we enjoy with one another. Then
he went on to say that a beautiful example of a tool for doing just that is the
Humanum video series, a beautiful series of short films on marriage and
family. . ." HERE is a link to the series. Below is the trailer (1:42)
1 comment:
I was watching the TODAY show today and there was a commercial for the day of confession. What a great job done by the diocese getting the word out about the day of confession. Nice to see something positive about the Catholic Church on TV.
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