I’ve been having this discussion with people for a long
time. Many are convinced that, at best,
hell is a temporary place. “My God
wouldn’t send anybody there permanently,” being their argument.
Here is another way to approach the idea:
We spend this lifetime conditioning our minds, bodies, and souls. We don’t magically become something different
in the next life. We won’t become angels
and dogs won’t become humans. We will be
who we are. According to St. John Paul’s
Theology of the Body we will even retain (when glorified body and soul are
reunited) some identity as to our sex.
(Always a hot topic during my seminary years.) If all that remains, if a person hated (or
would not at least accept) the laws and ways of God on earth (unless some sort
of invincible ignorance played a role), that won’t magically change
either after a lifetime of conditioning. And since in the next life we
are not prone to illusion or delusion (meaning we will see all clearly) we won’t “change
our minds” over time. (Purgatory is
another topic.)

Using an earthly example, let’s suppose someone proposed to
your who everyone, just EVERYONE said is THE perfect person; rich, good
looking, powerful, loving, attentive, generous, admired and respected, healthy,
supportive – just go on and on and end with, "and smells good." The only glitch in the whole thing is that you can’t
stand this person. You like messy, you
don’t want to be supported but challenged, you like Valuetime Cheesecurls for
dinner, and you smell bad and like other people who also smell bad. As perfect as the other person may be, you
will be miserable being married to that person for 50 years.

Is hell then a great place for these souls? No.
Like a person in this life who you cannot help, the person who returns
to abuse or the person who returns to drunkenness, it is what they know and to
some extent “choose.” To someone who has
chosen heaven
, it seems a life of hell, wailing and gnashing of teeth.
you say the apostles creed . . . it goes like this . . . . i believe in . . . the resurrection of the body . . . . stop there . . . . a body like i now have?
i believe that all humans have an immortal soul . . what is an immortal soul?
what is the point of being if when one dies its over and there is nothing?
This is one of the best explanations I've ever heard. It really makes a lot of sense. Thank you for your awesome blog. I love reading the posts :)
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