QUOTE II: "Only fugitives are capable of flawless courtesy from morning till night." Michael Cunningham's, "A Home at the End of the Word"
JUST IN TIME FOR WINTER HOWEVER: Now THIS is interesting: The Diocese has set up a pilgrimage route through three counties of the diocese dedicated to Mary, Untier of Knots. Read more here.
MOVIE: Mary sent this in: In 1506 a farmer discovered a statue in a field. Thus began the most significant collection of art in the world. Here is site concerning a movie coming out about it. It looks as though it might be worth while compared to all of the other far less than quality things we are urged to go out and see simply because it has the label "Christian" on it. Thanks Mary.
OSTENSION: Dr. Chad Engelland, former professor of philosophy our seminary and a good friend (and who was stolen away from us to become the Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Dallas - a Roman Catholic school) has written a book entitled "Ostension." Read more about it here. Congratulations good Doctor!
ON THE FLY: This was too good to pass up. When Jason sent this in he said, "This is a video of a pastor who turns into a jet." I had no idea what he was talking about and almost didn't watch it. Here is your opportunity not to watch it. I am SO going to try this.
I have to admit, the tension was palpable at Benediction as we waited for The Jet.
Downton Abbey photo, eh? Perfect for the quote on servanthood. Believe it or not, I have actually been inspired by Downton Abbey to a grow in a fuller understanding of the dignity of servanthood of the Good Master. If only we would be as loyal and attentive to detail in our most honorable service to The Lord as is Mr. Carson to Lord Grantham.
How on earth do you come up with all those great photos? (The marble statue with Deacon Jeremy's homily was a fantastic find!)
I was so enamored with "The Jet" and the joke - that I forgot the actual point of my comment.
So, I've been to enough Roman Catholic confabs in my life that I've been blessed (no matter how undeserving) by many different things. The most frequent being the Sign of the Cross, but as far as with an object - the most common things to be blessed with seem to be holy water and the thurible/incense.
However.... during Benediction, we get blessed with the Blessed Sacrament.
Which leads me to.... Why doesn't the celebrant touch the monstrance when he's blessing us?
The best idea I can come up with is that it's not the celebrant blessing us, but Jesus blessing us with his real presence, so the celebrant covers his hands as to 'not be between' Jesus and those he is blessing.
But then I'm more confused - it then is not like mass or confession where the celebrant is in persona Christi? Is that why the priest can hold the sacraments when he raises them and says "Behold the Lamb of God, behold him..." in the Liturgy?
I conceive you have noted some very interesting points, regards for the post.
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