I will be on a mission trip with some members of the parish. I will not be posting while I am away.
God bless,
Fr. V
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

QUOTE II: "I didn't know that once you have proven yourself useful to the wrong people, you'll never be free again." same source
QUOTE III: "There's nothing quite as empty as an empty safe." same source
The Diocese of Cleveland's sister diocese is in El Salvador. This year we celebrate 50 years of cooperation between our dioceses and Cleveland's presence there. Read more here.
Starting tomorrow I will be in El Salvador and so there will be no posts for approximately 2 weeks.
Do you remember the post and video of a few weeks ago about robots and computers taking over the world? Christina (who was brought into the Church this past weekend) sent in this article with an alternative view.
The Diocese of Cleveland's sister diocese is in El Salvador. This year we celebrate 50 years of cooperation between our dioceses and Cleveland's presence there. Read more here.
Starting tomorrow I will be in El Salvador and so there will be no posts for approximately 2 weeks.
Do you remember the post and video of a few weeks ago about robots and computers taking over the world? Christina (who was brought into the Church this past weekend) sent in this article with an alternative view.
My cousin Fr. Trenta, in residence at St. Sebastian but who is currently studying in Rome sent this picture from a recent Mass he attended and helped distribute communion:
This was the Mass from which the above picture was taken. It is three hours!
Here is something lighter and only three minutes:
Monday, September 29, 2014
It is always interesting to hear what you tell kids and what comes back out.
A Mom came up to me at Mass this past weekend and told me the story about her son. At St. Sebastian Parish School we require the boys to wear ties for Mass day. Usually Mass is on Thursday mornings but occasionally for various reasons it is on another day. Such a day was a couple of weeks ago. And this took place:
So she asked him to find out why he had to wear his tie that day. Apparently somebody didn't read my bulletin article. (If you are reading this - I'm just kidding.)
The reason we had Mass that day was because we were on the last day of our 40 Hours (Eucharistic Devotions.) Also at that Mass we introduced the new parochial vicar at St. Sebastian. I'll let him introduce himself here.
Yes, he's one of those.
Anyway, Fr. K will be with us for the next 10 months (well, just slightly over 9 now) and he was introduced to the school that day. The following was the result.
Actually, with this pope, it seems feasible.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Dei Verbum paragraph 23
Do you have Ratzinger’s (aka Pope Benedict, aka Pope Emeritus
Benedict) books on the shelf entitled “Jesus of Nazareth” with the intention
that “someday I will get around to reading this.” Well, today take the first volume off of the
shelf and read just the forward. You will
see echoes of today’s paragraph ringing loudly and clearly.
Sacred Scripture is a living thing which we are to strive to
ever more understand it that it might bring us life. Like heat from a fire that brings us warmth,
Scriptures are designed to bring us insight, freedom of mind, and hope. But there are just so many ways to screw that
up. In that forward, Benedict rips on
some of the ways that exegesis is done today that make Jesus incredibly
distant, or nonexistent, or into a remarkable carbon copy of the person who is
doing the exegesis.
John Cardinal Newman once said, “To be steeped in history is
to cease being Protestant.” When trying
to figure out what Scriptures is saying we must take into account G. K.
Chesterton’s Democracy of the Dead. What
have Christians been saying since the beginning of the Church? (and not just what
someone tells you it said.) The Church
Fathers of both the east and west give remarkable insight into the early Church
and Scripture.
Recently, the local megachurch which is also anti-Catholic
(in that they teach false things about the Church and then proceed to tear
those falsities down and ask those who correct their misinterpretations of the
Church to kindly never come back) asked to come and take pictures of our church
building for a talk they were giving. I
am sure it will involve popish comments about how we make things up and that their
services are much closer to what first Christians did. But read the early Church fathers (first,
second, third centuries) and you will find us doing the exact same thing that
the early Church was doing. In case you
were wondering, I let them come. Maybe
someone will see the pictures, hear something that doesn’t quite jive, and be
lead to explore this interesting building and be led to the faith. Who knows?
Say a prayer.
But this is also why exegesis is done “with the mind of the
Church.” It is not because the Church
wants to control over everybody but because there is truth and falsity. One can fall way off of the track and end up
leading others into a ditch going nowhere.
Christ is the bridegroom and we are His espoused taught by
His Holy Spirit. The Bridegroom leads
His spouse into truth and freedom. The Magisterium
(at its best) makes sure that the fields of exploration are fruitful ones.
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Books and programs come by about once a year that promise to
rejuvenate the parish, save Catholic schools, cut down on the work load for the
clergy, and in general bring about the parousia. Cynical might best describe the attitude this
author has developed. Everyone gets all
hot and bothered. Committees are set up.
Programs are held. Speakers are brought
in. Posters are made. Commitment weekends are staged. And there will be some amount of success at
least for a time.
First important lesson I learned: Every program that
promises to make less work for priests will inevitable cause a ton more work
for priests. Period. Don’t even go there with me.
Secondly, of the ones that work well, they tend to be
emphasized aspects of what we should already be doing. But it is kind of like lent; you can only
keep the extra energy and focus up so long and then you fall back to a “ordinary
time” state.

That being said there are two books that are making hot
tracks around the diocese and as a diocese we are setting up programs to see
what fruit will come from them. The first
is “Forming Intentional Disciples.” The
book upon which it is based, IMHO, could have probably been a pamphlet. But its message is great. We can’t be passive Catholics who go to Mass
on the weekend. We must be God’s agents
on earth whether that involves being active at Mass or telling your wayward
nephew to get his keester to Mass. (That was snarky but you get the point.)

In any event, chances are these books or at least the ideas
from these books are coming your way.
Watch for them in a parish near you.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

This seems like a perfectly reasonable assumption and there
are truths about it. We might even look
back and think, “Of course! Had they
only . . .” But it is one thing to look
back and think, “If they’d only changed this one thing” as opposed to being on
the other end, “What is the thing we have to change to deal with this unknown
The Church suffers from the same thing. It seems to have a general sense that it
constantly needs to change in order to stay relevant in people’s lives, but it
suffers from knowing exactly WHAT to change.
So we have tried all kinds of things.
Change the music, change the seating, change the words of the Mass, add
dancing, change the teaching, change the preaching, change . . . well, you get
the point.
I would contend that we have far too often changed the wrong
thing. The post office still needs to
deliver things. If it suddenly decided
to start raising horses like it did during the pony express, it might be a
really great gimmick, make all the press, even call us out of our homes to
watch a parade of them go by, but it wouldn’t really help the bottom line of
the post office. The right thing has to
be changed.

Monday, September 22, 2014
There are approximately two million Slovenians in the world and I am one of them. It is my opinion that there are generally two types of Slovenians. They are distinguished in how they deal with time. Take the following two cartoons as examples:
The first type almost invariably marry the second type. This was most noticeable on Christmas Eve going home from Grandma and Grandpa's house. Dad and I would be sitting in the car with the engine running because we all agreed it was time to go home and Mom was inside for a good extra half hour/45 minutes "saying goodbye."
Yes, I am of the first category. I didn't think so until our new priest came to stay with us.
Still, I could convince myself that others just didn't get the value of time. But then I received a sign that maybe I was going a little overboard. Next to the door where we enter the sanctuary for daily Mass, there is a clock that ticks down the seconds until the bells are going to ring. I usually have us line up after prayer and watch the clock, ticking down the seconds like New Years Eve in order to start Mass.
It hit me that perhaps I am a little overboard when this past week, during the marking of the seconds, one of the servers broke out in . . .
Friday, September 19, 2014

In today's paragraph of Dei Verbum (22) the Council Fathers state that the Scriptures ought to be open to all the Christian faithful. Not as easy a task as you might imagine. A friend of mine has a parish not too far from here. Once an exclusively English speaking neighborhood (after being heavily Italian) it then turned Spanish speaking then to be overwhelmed with (I believe) Korean speaking persons. Now, if you have a few monks writing things out by hand and you are trying to make Scriptures available and it takes a couple of years to produce a book, how do you even get one done before a whole new group speaking a new language takes over the neighborhood assuming you have someone who can translate the Bible into their language in the first place?
Easier it is today but not easy. Who speaks Korean? How do you have Mass and preach? How do you find money to buy new song books and etc.? If only we had a universal language. But even if you do (and we do as reaffirmed by the Vatican II documents) that doesn't mean everybody understands it either.
Be that as it may, the Church promotes the translation of the Scriptures into all languages and even encourages, when it is possible and is deemed helpful, to translate them in cooperation with "separated brethren" so that one translation may be read by all Christians.
Thursday, September 18, 2014

I only learned about these types of things when I started
writing this blog and people would send me notes such as “ROFL.” This would then require a trip to the day school
to ask one of the students, “Okay, what does this one mean?”
The other day I was at our seminary and was astounded at all
of the initials I encountered. I am
rather used to them and wonder what non-Catholics think about all of our
nomenclature. Some of them are
particular to this diocese but not all of them.
While at the seminary I encountered SNDs and OSBs. I was reminded that we were at the CPL which
is mighty close to our newly designated PCLs which used to be DREs, but was changed
because it was considered more appropriate to call them PCLs. PCLs, formally known as DREs, are often in
charge of PSR programs which used to be known, when I was a kid, as CCD classes. Often parishes will send persons to the CPL
to become a PCL in order to head up their PSR and RCIA classes.
But not only parishes will do this. SNDs and OSBs as well as a host of other initials
send their initials to the CPL to that we can have SNDPCLs or OSBDREs so they
can help teach RCIA in parishes especially since PVs, formally known as associate
pastors, are becoming rarer.
But can you imagine an OSB who has taken over a parish
sending his OSB PV to the CPL to become a PCL (not a DRE) in order to do RCIA
and PSR? He would be an OSBPVPCL who could also help coach CYO.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Do you remember fire drills?
Do you remember tornado drills?
Do you remember nuclear bomb drills?
Welcome now to the age of deranged shooter drills. Statistically, none of these things will
happen to your school or the schools around you, but it happens often enough
that it is wise to be prepared.
Statistics are not really 10%, 20%, or even 70%. For you, it is either 0% or 100%.
I remember seeing this movie in gradeschool. Somehow I never believed my desk would protect me from a bomb.
I remember seeing this movie in gradeschool. Somehow I never believed my desk would protect me from a bomb.
I hate that we have to practice lock downs and evacuations. But what I do like is what a Catholic parish
school can bring to the mix that nobody else can. It is the same balm that is of aid for those
going to help with the Ebola virus, the wars we are continually gearing up for,
and freaky things like the school bus driver who died yesterday saving a 9 year
old from the path of a runaway bus. It
is the sacrament of confession.
If you are part of the 100% statistic instead of the 0%,
some may see it as simply tragic. But we
believe in everlasting life and being prepared for it whenever it should
come. This sacrament makes us always
prepared. Our goal is not to be here forever. We are waiting in the airport terminal. Granted, it is a great airport and is meant to
be enjoyed. But it is an airport, not
our destination. In this crazy age when
planes are cancelled, rescheduled, or change locations, we must be
prepared. It doesn’t matter when the
plane leaves, the point is to be on the plane when it does. That means being vigilant; making sure the
bases are covered; and having soul and body ready to go when the time comes.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: "People who have been on the wrong side of rumor know when to keep their mouth shut." from B. A. Shapiro's "The Art Forger"
QUOTE II: "I have learned that once you have done a risky thing, it is quite easy to do it again." same source
You must go to the site to see today's video sent in by Mary. I have the movie and the box says little about it so I was uninterested in watching it. A priest friend watched it on line and said it was great though some people may not like the subject matter. (It was great to see that there are good priests out their doing the right/rite thing.) I put it on in the background while working on other things and eventually it sucked me in. It is a full length movie. Go here to see it.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Homilies are a funny thing. At least this has been my experience. They kinda have a life of their own and don't take to being "managed" very easily. For me, each homily is a unique thing - like an ill trained dog.
The first acquaintance with a new homily is usually during a holy hour on Tuesday. The Scriptures are read and rough ideas start forming. But more likely than not, there is no prodding it along on my schedule. For the first part of the week or more it is like walking Sebastian when all he is interested is smelling things and paying attention to things going in the other direction.
Then something will hit. This week it was seeing a Druher drawing of Hercules in the wilderness kicking it up with the ladies Vice and Virtue. Then things start taking off as ideas race around my head.
I think I know where it is going but I am often wrong. I've heard people who write books talk about this. "All of sudden my characters start saying and doing things all on their own." I think I see a clear highway ahead but who knows where the homily is going at that point.
It can end up anywhere.But it seems to work.
This was written earlier but things got so crazy at the parish there was no time simply to post it! Here is Friday's installment of the next chapter of Dei Verbum.
So a priest friend who shall remain anonymous in order to protect his reputation, brought a movie over to watch about two years ago. “Dudes,” sayeth he, “this is in my book as part of the 100 must see movies so it must be good.”
Don’t believe everything you read.
And thusly did we watch, “The Way We Were.”
What an awful film. We just kept saying, “We don’t like these selfish characters. They shouldn’t be together and in any case, we are beyond caring.” Reading the “100 Movies Book” a little more closely it was disclosed that the authors also thought it shouldn’t be on the list but because it was so popular they felt obligated. (Talk about peer pressure at its extreme.)
This summer, in contrast, we went to the Ohio Shakespeare Festival at Stan Hywet Hall. We watched a much older story and were captivated by it. The clothes, dialogue, hairstyles, and popular culture topics were similarly out of date in this one too, but it still enthralled. This is because one speaks to our humanity more universally and the other . . . it just doesn’t.
So it is with Scripture. The Church uses Sacred Scripture because it continues as a “pure and lasting font of spiritual life.” It is the voice of the Holy Spirit sounding again and again and along with Sacred Tradition, presented with the Holy Eucharist to bring life and meaning and freedom to God’s holy people. Our preaching and, in fact, everything about this Christian faith is nourished by our Scriptures. They continue to speak to us because there is something basic about our humanity which is revealed in them. They remain relevant in the same way but only more fundamentally so as does a good Shakespearean play.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
I can’t think of a thing to write about today.

If too much time was spent on the negative, one could despair. The problems could seem so overwhelming that
we could feel powerless and just give up.
But history teaches us important lessons against this mentality.

That is not to say we sit back then and let happen what
will. We are not fatalists. But all things work to the glory of God and
we can be used as sons or as tools as the Church moves forward through time and
in the end. And though being Christian
in any given situation may be a trial for some, in the end we would rather be
sons and daughters.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

QUOTE II: "What we are commonly told is that the Western Empire was overrun by savage tribes called the "Goths" and "Visigoths" and "Vandals" and "Suevi" and "Franks" who "conquered" the Western Roman Empire . . . There was no barbarian conquest, but there was a continuation of what had been going on for centuries, an infiltration of people from outside the Empire into the Empire because within the Empire they could get the advantages of civilization." same source
You might know the name Joel Osteen. He is the minister who teaches a prosperity Bible and claims that if you are a good enough Christian, God will reward you by giving you a cushy life. Since the above is focused on heresy, I though to post this link sent in by Adam entitled, "Joel Osteen and His Wife are Heretics and That's Why America Loves Them."
A long while back I wrote about some paintings that were marked to be burned and I volunteered to give them a new home in the rectory. Somebody then asked if I could post them and I never did. I finally remembered and so here they are:
Near as I can tell this is St. Matthew:
This is definately St. Luke:
I think this is St. Mark:
And this is Saint John:
You might know the name Joel Osteen. He is the minister who teaches a prosperity Bible and claims that if you are a good enough Christian, God will reward you by giving you a cushy life. Since the above is focused on heresy, I though to post this link sent in by Adam entitled, "Joel Osteen and His Wife are Heretics and That's Why America Loves Them."
A long while back I wrote about some paintings that were marked to be burned and I volunteered to give them a new home in the rectory. Somebody then asked if I could post them and I never did. I finally remembered and so here they are:
Near as I can tell this is St. Matthew:
This is definately St. Luke:
I think this is St. Mark:
And this is Saint John:
Frank sent this video in: (5 minutes)
Sunday, September 7, 2014
There is something magical about a priest’s garage door. It attracts people like bees are attracted to flowers, like moths to light bulbs, like altar servers to matches. Every parish with which I have been associated, every priest I speak with has the same story: for some unfathomable reason people like to park RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR GARAGE DOORS.
Just recently I asked a guy, “What on earth made you think parking here was a good idea?” He said, “I wasn’t going to be here long.” Of course, this was after I had spent 20 minutes trying to find him on our 8 acre campus because I had to get to an appointment and was now going to be late. It’s like people who like to talk in doorways. “Here is a constricted area where people need to get through. I think I’ll stop someone here and carry on a conversation.” I don’t understand.
The apron to the rectory driveway is in ridiculously horrible condition. Even the 80 year old priest who lived here begged me, “Please, Father, let Fr. Ted fix this for you.” (He always spoke of himself in the third person, which for him was oddly endearing.)
I have standing orders to leave it permanently in third world status just to dissuade people from using the driveway as a convenient place to dump their cars. There is tons of parking on our block, but I will admit that this spot is very convenient. But not when it becomes a used car lot.
ANYWAY . . . you may remember that I recently got a new-to-me car. The windows are incredibly small and it is a difficult car to see out of. I thought it was just me, but my cousin drove it other day and made a similar comment so now I don't just simply feel old.
It does not have a back up camera (though it really probably should) but it does make a "BEEP BEEP BEEP" sound if you get close to anything while backing up. The closer you get to an object, the more quickly it beeps.
"Brilliant" you might think. But no amount of genius can best my profound incompetency. As I back out of my garage, the car always starts beeping because I am heading for a bush so I have learned to ignore it much to the chagrin of a seminarian who was living with us this summer and took to parking his car behind the garages.
I must say he was a really good Joe about it. "Wow," he said, "The car is symmetrical again."
Another way in which my capacity for stupidity outstrips technology's ability to compensate is when I am initially backing up out of the garage. The bay doors are EXTREMELY small and so the alarms go off right away and until the trunk makes it out of the garage.
So I've learned to ignore that part too.
Yes, someone with a pickup truck parked right up against the garages. Just the bed of the truck was behind my bay and so I could not see it through the tiny rear window and ignoring the beeping because I thought it was telling me about the door opening, I smashed into the truck.
What goes around come around. Apparently there were signs in the driveway telling people not to park there but they were taken down because they seemed pastorally insensitive and put offish (as opposed to having your car destroyed.) But maybe the forepastors knew what they were doing.
Friday, September 5, 2014
Dei Verbum paragraph 20
So the last short paragraph in this section I really should
have included last week but . . . but I didn’t.
It simply rounds out the whole section.
The whole thing was a lot of writing to say that all of Scripture is
important. Supreme are the Gospels, the
other New Testament writings are important in that they shore up and amplify
the Gospels, and the Old Testament is indispensible as it enlightens us about
God’s plan which reaches fulfillment in Christ.
You might think, “Well, duh.” That may be because you are more Catholic
than you think. This is not the case for
everybody in the world. Have you ever
gone to a Protestant service and it is obvious that the Gospel carries no
different weight than another New Testament reading? I certainly have. And there are those who discount the Old
Testament as . . . well . . . old. And
what does one do with house guests and fish when they become old? They throw them out (or ignore them until
someone else does.) This is, of course,
heresy. (Throwing out the Old Testament,
not throwing out fish which is a good thing.)
It is a very large Church.
More than half of all Christians on the face of the earth are
Catholic. (Hard to believe living the U.S.
no?) We live in varying places with
varying pressures. It is one thing to be
a Catholic in Akron, Oh. It is another
think to be a Catholic in China or Bagdad.
Think of the difference between going to a truly Catholic college and
one that likes to throw around the Catholic name but is normally Catholic at
best. The forces of what is floating
around in the culture can influence what you believe about – Scripture for
Realizing this, the fathers of the council put this (and
other) teachings together so there would be no ambiguity. (The only problem being now one has to read
them. And they throw in a bunch of
flowery and thick clarifying writing, necessary I understand, which makes it
time consuming to peruse - my version of all of the documents having over 1,000
pages of tiny writing.) Of course, I do
not create such padding of my writing to make it appear that I have something
to say.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
So . . .

Let’s assume that yesterday’s video was mostly on the
spot. For almost 50% of everybody
working now there will not be a job in the foreseeable future because there
will be a machine and/or computer that will do the job more quickly, more
accurately, more abundantly, less expensively, and untiringly. Where does that leave you Mr. and Mrs. Wrong Side
of the 50% line?
We gain so much of our self understanding and our self worth
by having something to do. Questions
about this usually are at the top of the list when speaking with somebody you
just met and you are looking for ways to connect.
“So, what do you do for a living?”
We are worthy because we are useful it seems. Those who’s right to live are most in jeopardy
in society are those who can’t “do.” For
example, yesterday’s post of Mr. Dawkins who stated that it is immoral for
women who have a Down Syndrome Baby not to abort. Why?
Because, in his eyes, they are not useful. And so it is with the elderly, persons with
disabilities, with diminished brain capacity, who are yet to be born . . . These people are in danger of not being
useful enough for society.
Now dump into the mix all those who are, through no fault of
their own, now unemployable. (Scary if
you were already on this list and now there is a huge group of people dumped on
top of you pushing even further down.)
It seems to me that there is going to be crisis of dignity. Who am I?
How do I find my self worth? What
does it mean to be human? How do I
I think it will be the Catholic Church in particular who
will come to the aid of mankind. Though
we do talk about the dignity of work, we are not defined by our work nor do we
find our dignity because we can and do work.

There is a man that I met about whom I wrote once before who
owns a car lot. “You know what I do for
a living?” he once asked. Sell cars was
not the answer. “I provide an
opportunity for people to work so that they can raise their families in
security. That is what I do for a
living.” My chiropractor sees his job as
helping others (particularly priests) minister and do their jobs better. It is not simply about making money or being
famous both birds with wings.
At the end of time, you as a human being will still exists
and in fact, be fulfilling the role for which you were designed which shall
bring you fulfillment and joy. “Not so
machines, not so. For they like winnowed
chaff shall be driven away by the wind.”
No matter how clever a machine will be, it has no purpose in life but to
serve man. When it becomes useless it is
not immoral to shut it down because it has not dignity other than how it can
serve us. Or when the universe come to
an end, all machines will simply cease to exist. All of its labor pointless. There will be no one to remember, appreciate,
record, or welcome it into a new existence.
That is not the case for you. Your dignity is in that you were designed to
be loved, you are loved, and you will be welcomed lovingly into that place
where being human makes most sense – even more so than here whether you were
considered worthy or not on earth. Mr.
Dawkins would have you believe you are not worth more than a how good a machine
you are. One universe is livable even if
we can’t work, the other unbearable, violent, brutish, and short.
It is this belief we have as Catholics that makes us stand
virtually alone as a body in fighting for the rights of the unborn. In the future, it may be this belief that
tells people who are no longer able to work that they are still lovable,
worthwhile human beings because they were made so by a Father who loves them
and is preparing place for them.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: "You are actually in a more difficult situation that a priest or a nun is. Celibacy is not the same as deprivation. It is an active choice, not simply the absence of opportunity." from Mary Doria Russell's "The Sparrow"
QUOTE II: "It's not easy to be obedient when you suspect your superiors are asses." same source. N.B. I don't mean to infer this is the case or to apply it anybody who may be reading this. I just like the quote. ;>)
More people than I though were interested in the demise of the Catholic Universe Bulletin. The Bishop is looking for alternatives. Read more of the story here.
Cool picture from Corpus Christi
Cool picture from Corpus Christi
Adam sent this article in. In it, Richard Dawkins explains why it is immoral not to abort a child with Downs Syndrome. Wow. Kinda shows ya where this is all going.
Falling in love with Pittsburg:
Falling in love with Pittsburg:
This video is 15 minutes long. It is not happy. It may seem odd to place it on a Catholic blog but I plan on explaining why I think it presents the Catholic Church with a unique opportunity.
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