QUOTE II: "Abortion cannot be combated with contraception. This is because those who try to prevent pregnancy with barrier methods or hormonal contraceptives - moreover the latter's abortifacient action cannot be ruled out - will seek abortion of contraception fails." Maria Luisa DiPietro, Institute of Bioethics, C. U. of Sacred Heart, Rome
LET THE REVOLUTION CONTINUE: At the last Chesterton Society meeting at St. Sebastian, one of the Mikes told of one of his favorite musical groups, Mumford and Sons, and how Marus Mumford recommended reading Chesterton and that there is an allusion to Chesterton's Saint Francis of Assisi in the song "The Cave." (If you are interested in the Chesterton Society of St. Sebastian, click in his image in the right column.)
You may find Chesterton's on-line book here.
Here is a video of the song "The Cave"
If you are interested in church architecture have a look at this blog of a new church.
This in from the Knights of Columbus: "Responding to Americans' growing frustration with campaign rhetoric and the tone of the national discourse, the Knights of Columbus has launched a national, non-partisan initiative to give voice to Americans' desire for civility in public discourse." Read more here.
From the Diocese of Cleveland Enewlsetter, "Pope Benedict XVI has proclaimed a "Year of Faith" to begin October 11, 2012, the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council." Read more here.
From the same source: "Did you know, the annual one-day, outdoor Catholic family event of the summer is happening on the grounds of the the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe, Ohio on Sunday, August 5th beginning at noon?" Read more here.