FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: “Catholic doctrine and discipline may be walls; but they are walls of a playground.” from G. K. Chersterton’s “Orthodoxy”

QUOTE II: “How can we say that the Church wishes to bring us back into the Dark Ages? The Church was the only thing that every brought us out of them.” ibid.
The Saint Sebastian Chesterton Club finished “Orthodoxy” this past weekend so we are starting a new endeavor. If you wish to join us click on the picture of Chesterton at the side of this blog.
Karen sent this virtual tour of the Vatican Necropolis for you to enjoy. Thanks Karen!
Sr. Brigid of the Sisters of Life asked that this letter be forwarded on to you. It should have been printed last week but alas I was in New York:
Dear Friends,
18 days until the beginning of World Youth Day in Madrid (WYD is actually 6 days)!

For those who are not traveling to Madrid you can follow what is happening at our blog:
God Bless you,
Sr. Mary Elizabeth
Russ sent this video in. You won't hear this at St. Sebastian - though the plugs might help raise money for some of our projects. I cannot decide if this is hysterical (part of the fun of being Catholic is knowing the difference between an indelicacy and an indecency) or if it is abhorent.
It is a cheap imitation of the mealtime prayer in the Will Farrell film "Talledega Nights".
This YouTube clip does give insight regarding the state of Christian spirituality in contemporary America though!
Mmmmm. Not a prayer offered for the glory of God. Yet, so hard not to laugh.
I found it ridiculous at best.
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