Or maybe not. C. asked why a certain topic was not covered in homilies and I said, "Oh, people know about that." She set me straight about that and some other topics. So I asked her to give me a list of other things she thought people were uncatechized about. What do you think?Apparently God got sick of waiting for me to work up the courage to talk to a friend of mine about the Faith and He prompted HER to bring up the subject. We talked for hours one night about the Catholic Church, and to make the point that 12 years of Catholic school left us uncatechized, I told her a bunch of random things that we were never taught, such as:
The poor souls in purgatory can’t pray for themselves, but they can pray for us.
What the beatific vision is and what heaven will be like.
That you get your body back at the end of the world. (She was ecstatic about that one.)
That you have a guardian angel assigned to you and no one but you for life, and other angel-y facts.

Where the devil came from.
We’re supposed to take a sacrifice every Friday in honor of our Lord’s passion.
That the family is a reflection of the Trinity.
That missing mass on Sunday is a mortal sin (but she is excused when she has to work because she is a nurse)
That all suffering has redemptive value for yourself and the world. (We both thought it was only when you suffered for the Faith directly, but your stubbed toes count too!)
That her intense dislike of clapping, no
kneelers, and bad music during mass
doesn’t mean she’s crazy – it means she has a good sense of the sacred.
My friend related how she went to a Baptist church and the preacher’s sermon clearly and specifically told her the meaning of a scripture passage and how she should change her daily life to follow it. She said that all the Catholic homilies she had heard in her life didn’t amount to this one sermon. She clenched her hands desperately in front of her and pleaded, “Why won’t they teach us?!!!” She also charged me, “You go tell your priest friend what we talked about tonight!” Well, Fr. V then charged me to blog about it, so here you go…stuff we need to hear in homilies:
What a “just war” is and that extreme pacifism is wrong.
The dangers of contraception, that
NFP works, and that overpopulation is a myth.
How do we defend the faith against the claims of popular books like The
Davinci Code or The God Delusion.

Why gay marriage is wrong and how to defend traditional marriage.
What mortal sin is – SPECIFICALLY! (I never knew getting drunk or high was, for example)
Sex in general (you don’t have to be graphic to be enlightening)
Occult practices to avoid (Tarot cards, psychics)
Abortion is never necessary.
Evolution and creation and the Church’s stance.
What exactly does it mean to rest on Sunday? Can I shop?
Religious life is great – not lonely.
EWTN exists, as do other great media (I’m surprised no one knows this)
Divorce and annulments and what they mean – can I date a divorced person?
Dangers of porn (and that it’s a moral sin – again, no one knows)
What should my criteria be for what movies and TV I watch and what radio and music I listen to – SPECIFICALLY!
Devotions in general – rosary, scapular, Sacred Heart & First Fridays, Immaculate Heart and
First Saturdays, etc.
How do I decide who to vote for?
Life issues – Terri
Shiavo, stem cell research, euthanasia
In short…..if it’s in the Catechism or the newspaper, we need to hear about it or we can’t live and defend our faith! It is nice to have a formal talk outside of mass and cover a topic properly, but only “the choir” shows up for those things anyway. For most people, what comes from the pulpit is the only instruction they will ever get, period. The pulpit is an OPPORTUNITY that the lay people don’t have – it’s difficult to find an opening for these subjects in everyday conversation, but EXPECTED at church. Priests have an AUTHORITY the lay people don’t have – why should anyone believe my theological ramblings? Lastly, my family and friends might hate me for telling them the Truth, (“Hey, did you know that since your marriage was never intended to be open to children it is invalid?”) but a priest can say these things from the pulpit with relative immunity.
Please everyone, stuff the comment box with your additions to the list!