Suppose your wife came up to you and asked you to take a pill for her. These are the common side effects:
Weight gain
Skin problems
High Blood Pressure
Loss of Libido
Urinary Tract Infection
Gum Inflammation
Can Trigger Asthma
Decrease Your Ability to Ward Off Viral Infection
Here are some less common effects:
Blood Clots
Heart Attack
Now suppose you read this on the label on this bottle of pills and also knew that there were as effective alternatives with no side effects. I do not know about you, but I would not then venture to put these chemical poisons in my body.
In marriage Scripture tells us that man and woman become one. They are no longer two flesh therefore but one flesh. To love your wife is also to love yourself. The side effects mentioned above are what can happen to the one you love, the one who with whom you are united in flesh, when she takes the pill. If we are to love her as if she were our own body, if we are to love our wives as Christ loves his spouse the Church, why would we want her to put these poisons in her body even if there have been no apparent side effects with her so far?
Would you risk it?
Let us say no to poisoning our wives.
Suppose your wife came up to you and asked you to take a pill for her. These are the common side effects:
Weight gain
Skin problems
High Blood Pressure
Loss of Libido
Urinary Tract Infection
Gum Inflammation
Can Trigger Asthma
Decrease Your Ability to Ward Off Viral Infection
Here are some less common effects:
Blood Clots
Heart Attack
Now suppose you read this on the label on this bottle of pills and also knew that there were as effective alternatives with no side effects. I do not know about you, but I would not then venture to put these chemical poisons in my body.
In marriage Scripture tells us that man and woman become one. They are no longer two flesh therefore but one flesh. To love your wife is also to love yourself. The side effects mentioned above are what can happen to the one you love, the one who with whom you are united in flesh, when she takes the pill. If we are to love her as if she were our own body, if we are to love our wives as Christ loves his spouse the Church, why would we want her to put these poisons in her body even if there have been no apparent side effects with her so far?
Would you risk it?
Let us say no to poisoning our wives.
THANK YOU *SO* MUCH! I could hug you for this post!
Adoro - Amen! Now we need to get the doctors from prescribing these - even when not used for contraceptive purposes.
Fr. V, I'm right behind Adoro, and I think there will be a big line of us, today, tho' most will keep it silent. (((Thank you.))) I've never seen it put this way. The Holy Spirit must find you very easy as well as pleasing to love, and to love through.
Anonymous, certainly with God, all things are possible, yet unless the Parousia should manifest, I don't believe docs will put down their apathetic and anti-Hippocratic Oath prescription pens anytime soon. Unfortunately, too many simply serve the customer.
Let us "say" no to poisoning our wives.
uhh. gee. ….hmmmmmmmm
a statement like that implies that a woman is to stupid to make her OWN decision, another subtle but classic way of demeaning women.
Dude... Im surprised at you. I thought you were MUCH more "outside" the box than a statement like that, and had much more compassion. it REEKS of CONTROL ISSUES.
and you have in your comments " AGREEING with you??. good grief .
the BLIND lead the BLIND both indeed do fall into the pit.
Well ladies back to your kitchens and start cooking, and get that ironing done. the “US” has spoken . YOU ONCE AGAIN HAVE NO CHOICE WITH YOUR BODY. THE "us" HAS SAID SO .
aw, come on, Sattvic.
you're being antagonistic.
of course it speaks of 'control' issues.
that is part of the problem.
many [not all] women DO let others [husbands] 'control' them in various areas.
one of those areas is the husband insisting the woman make herself available sexually on his terms and timetable.
then she is faced with other issues.
IF she doesn't want to become pregnant, she can then fight the husband's demands for sex 'on demand' ... or she can do something to avoid having a baby.
she can take the poison pill ...
and this may be done by her own choice to avoid the consequences with her husband, or it might be done at his insistence because he doesn't want any more babies around the house [at this time].
so, yeh, it does speak of 'control' issues.
the loving response by the husband would be to NOT have her taking these poison pills, but to relegate his desire for sexual pleasure to a mutually agreeable time, and perhaps only when she is not fertile.
but some only think in terms of their own personal pleasure - so we have control issues.
would that it were so simple as to not have such indecisive women. ;-)
by the way, nice to hear from you. hope you're doing well and health is good. have a great weekend.
Funny how no one ever thinks THEIR mother was a chump for feeding and clothing THEM.
Not to mention, women don't operate like men. We think, "Oh, if I take this pill, then you will love me. If I don't put up with the side effects, you'll leave me."
There is no neutral answer for a man to give regarding birth control or abortion. If a girlfriend says, "I'm pregnant" and a guy says, "I'll support whatever you decide" that's not good enough. We don't want to think you'll just accept being saddled with a kid for life. We want to hear, "Yes, I want our baby".
There is unimaginable pressure on women to "choose" birth control and abortion in order to keep a man happy.
NFP is the only way of spacing children where one person isn't saddled with all the responsibility. There is sacrifice on both sides. It's practically free, and has no side effects.
you're being antagonistic.
of course it speaks of 'control' issues.
well gee uncle dude. responding that I acknowledge the post is not antagonistic at all.
Its just a perspective that seems a bit one sided on the part of the blogger and that's why I commented on it.
The “ control” issue that comes across seems to be one sided..
IF she doesn't want to become pregnant, she can then fight the husband's demands for sex 'on demand' ... or she can do something to avoid having a baby.
she can take the poison pill
again this is deameaning and derogatory toward a woman . if the man is so SELFISH that he doesn't think of his partner and use a condom then there is more going on in the “ control department” than sexual acknowledgement .
“ the REAL poison” is NOT the pill but the lack of communication tween the two people involved, one can label anything “ poison “ even water it depends on how everything is used.
its just the whole presentation of the post was more manipulative rather than informative
but some only think in terms of their own personal pleasure - so we have control issues.
That's the NATURE of DESIRE, which is primal and spontaneous by its own volition , but the lack of communication tween said parties is the REAL poison not the pill. There are promiscuous women out there that wouldn’t think twice about taking the pill. so what's good for some is not necessarily applicable to ALL women across the board.
To assume that all women are the SAME in that respect is classically sexist and demeans her spirit.
the list of counter indications with the pill as stated in the post can also be applied from drinking to many soft drinks. or eating to many tomatoes, or stuffing ones self with to many deserts, or even GENERAL medication for simple health and well being
SO you see this is more about “ see it my way as I know more than you do”
Combined acknowledgement of a sweeping generalization does not constitue FACT
You: The “ control” issue that comes across seems to be one sided...
Me: i may give you that one ... most bloggers give their point of view - not too many claim to be 'fair and balanced' like Fox News.
You: if the man is so SELFISH that he doesn't think of his partner and use a condom then there is more going on in the “ control department” than sexual acknowledgment.
Me: not all would agree that using a condom constitutes unselfish behavior. i agree - there is more going on here than sexual acknowledgment. selfishness is a major issue, and that can be constituted in many different actions between a husband and wife [and a husband and wife were the players described by Fr V, not casual encounters between those not married to each other].
You: “the REAL poison” is NOT the pill but the lack of communication tween the two people involved
Me: yes, communication does seem to be very lacking ... and while you've captured that, you've tried to smoke screen the other; "... NOT 'a' but 'b'...". BOTH the pill and the communication in this case are poison. both are not good for their marriage relationship.
You: That's the NATURE of DESIRE, which is primal and spontaneous by its own volition
Me: i recognize the nature given by the creator ... intended for mutual pleasure and a means for continuation of the species. He also gave us the ability to 'control' that desire and not be slaves to its every spontaneous impulse.
You: the list of counter indications with the pill as stated in the post can also be applied from drinking to many soft drinks. or eating to many tomatoes, or stuffing ones self with to many deserts, or even GENERAL medication for simple health and well being
Me: this reads like "...a sweeping generalization..." to me. again, i acknowledge that there are all kinds of actions we take that would be 'counter indicated' to good physical and mental and emotional and spiritual health. Fr V is addressing one specifically. he did not negate all the rest.
well, gee - this uncle dude is glad to see you're still around and as full of spunk as ever. :-)
stay in touch - for real
Fantastic post - I hope to link to it - as you know, not many priests ever mention contraception.
Thank you, Father, and Uncle Jim also!
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