News doesn’t seem to be news unless it is scandalous or gossipy. Bucking the trend, here are a couple of stories that you might still find of note.
This past week a number of Ursuline nuns celebrated sixty years
of ministry. They were of that hard working, backbone of the diocese stock that taught countless numbers of young people of many generations and began ministries that many of us take for granted today. Some kind soul had, in his will, that when these particular nuns reached their 60th anniversary (can you imagine how many cumulative years of ministry that involves?) they should be treated to dinner from his estate; and not just any dinner, but seriously good and expensive dinner at a fine restaurant.
Each sister was able to ask one companion sister to escort her and off they went to Moxie’s. The restaurant pulled out all of the stops, treating these treasures to the fussing they deserved. A fine time was had by all. God bless the nuns and those who remember the blessings they have been to the life of the Church.
A second story involves a church choir competition in Cleveland sponsored by a local classical radio station (WCLV 104.9) and the United Church of Christ. “The mission of this competition or “challenge” is to remind Cleveland and the surrounding areas of that beautiful and time-honored tradition of choral music in our houses of worship and to further heighten the standard of music in the 21st century.” It was the first for Cleveland and the Cathedral Choir of Saint John the Evangelist was the only Catholic Choir to make it all the way to the final six. Choirs were rated not only their talent, but on the scope of the repertory and their mastery of varying styles.
The final competition was held on our ordination weekend. The choir had to sing at 9:00 on Friday night for they would not be able to be there in the morning. The announc
ement of the winner of the competition was scheduled during ordination making it impossible for their capable leader Mr. Greg Heislman and many of the singers to attend. One wonders if someone kept a cell phone on vibrate in order to hear if they won or not.
As it turns out the cathedral choir did indeed win this first competition. Congratulations all around! We are fortunate to have such a choir and further blessed to have a bishop who supports having the finest choir in the land as we remember that the Catholic Church has always been patroness of the arts. Praise God.
This past week a number of Ursuline nuns celebrated sixty years

Each sister was able to ask one companion sister to escort her and off they went to Moxie’s. The restaurant pulled out all of the stops, treating these treasures to the fussing they deserved. A fine time was had by all. God bless the nuns and those who remember the blessings they have been to the life of the Church.
A second story involves a church choir competition in Cleveland sponsored by a local classical radio station (WCLV 104.9) and the United Church of Christ. “The mission of this competition or “challenge” is to remind Cleveland and the surrounding areas of that beautiful and time-honored tradition of choral music in our houses of worship and to further heighten the standard of music in the 21st century.” It was the first for Cleveland and the Cathedral Choir of Saint John the Evangelist was the only Catholic Choir to make it all the way to the final six. Choirs were rated not only their talent, but on the scope of the repertory and their mastery of varying styles.
The final competition was held on our ordination weekend. The choir had to sing at 9:00 on Friday night for they would not be able to be there in the morning. The announc

As it turns out the cathedral choir did indeed win this first competition. Congratulations all around! We are fortunate to have such a choir and further blessed to have a bishop who supports having the finest choir in the land as we remember that the Catholic Church has always been patroness of the arts. Praise God.
Regarding the Choir Concert - it was fabulous! However, I was in a bit of a quandry. A very good friend of mine conducts the Old Stone Church Choir (excellent, by the way) and the Cathedral Choir were both performing Friday night.
The music was astoundingly beautiful!
You WENT! Wow. Wish I could have been there. Was it well attended? Did you enjoy it?
It was PACKED! Very difficult to find a parking space and a seat. My friend told me he had to be there 2 1/2 hours early and forewarned me that it would be packed....I should have listened. The Church was small but acoustics were phenomenal (which is why I think they chose the church)!
Someday - you'll have to come down to the Old Stone Church & listen to the Choir during the Christmas Concert - again you have to get there early because the Church is small & many, many people attend.
Well worth the wait!
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