But that is not what happened. He readily stretched out His arms. He forgave His persecutors and the Good
Thief. He took care of His Mother and
St. John as He suffered. Despite pain,
humiliation, and ridicule, despite this was the very spot where there was the
least amount of love in the world, He become the Love in the situation and now
we see this moment as the greatest moment of Love in history and billions have
been attracted to walk in His steps ever since.
We are to follow in those steps. Where we don’t see love, we are to be
love. If we are not love, then we will
inspire no one and our invitation to be like us and follow Christ will fall on
deaf ears.
On Monday there were a couple of interesting exchanges in
the comment section of Monday Diary.
Stephen said some silly things as he is want to do. Two anonymous writers took great offense
adding credence to the adage that, “More offence is brought into the world by
people taking it than by it actually being offered.” Was what Stephen wrote the best thing to post
in these religiously tense times? Maybe
not. But how much more progress could be
made by the ones who were offended by those comments to love and invite all to
something higher? The placing of labels
and naming of intentions heightens the tension and the stakes. I wouldn’t blame Stephen for not wanting to
embrace those who wrote about him, the Anonymi did not win as many people to
their good cause as they could, and anyone else reading was forced to take
sides; are you for Stephen or the Anonymi? (I made that term up.) There was no neutral, higher ground to which
we were all invited.
So return to St. John of the Cross. Where you fail to see love, don’t add to the dysfunction,
be the love that you see missing. Even
if you don’t win your adversary over, you may win over others who otherwise
might see the cure as worse than the sickness.
Thanks for writing comments! I hope that you continue to do so.
Dear Father,
I agree with Stephen. But I would advise him that it is rude to display humor to people who have no sense of humor.
If you really thought that was humor, then I pity you. I will pray for you.
Okay - there's no post (yet?) today, but two quick thoughts...
1) So far as I can tell, there is only one mass all year in which we can't ring bells when the Eucharist is consecrated - and that's the Last Supper mass on Holy Thursday... and... there was a very sturdy wooden clacker thingy which was clacked with much authority by the young altar server. She did a nice job, but I couldn't help but wonder how solid that effort would have been with a crotalus.
2) Do I write the Pope or the Cardinals or Bishop Lennon to get some sort of the Service of Light duplicated in seven weeks at Pentecost? If that wasn't tongues of fire descending on the faithful I don't know what was.
2a) Was there ACTUALLY a burning ember on your vestments or was Father L just looking to get in a cheap shot?
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