When I was first in the seminary the music book de jour was the “Glory and Praise” hymnal; the yellow one with the sunset and dove on the cover. (Until I hid them.) Fr. H. and I were so appalled at the content of those books we sat down one day and tried our best to come up with a song to make fun of them and point out how insipid some of that music was. Here at least are the words to that song.
Here we are together in this space,
Standing together, hand in hand, face to face.
Let’s join together now,
Put division on a dusty shelf.
Let’s pray together
Cuz’ you’re my other self.
The only problem was that some people liked it and wanted

to use it. So we tried harder.
Where is Jesus now?
Look both high and low.
Just where is Jesus now and where did He go?
Do you know what you’re lookn’ for
Do you know where Jesus is,
He’s in you and me,
That’s where Jesus really is. (Kazoo interlude. Repeat)
Some folks thought it would be a good song for kids. No matter how inane we tried to be it simply sounded like a modern hymn being produced at the time.
That being said I realize some of the music that I like from ages past is equally as sappy in other ways, perhaps a bit over sentimental (though still better theologically.) I find it sad that these old tunes are no longer being used and so have some sympathy for those who actually do like the current heave of music. They should not have to go through the banning of tunes as others have. So let there be a compromise! Let us find new uses for these modern ditties so some in this generation will not feel as alienated as prior ones have.
It would be too easy to make fun of this music, as did a friend of mine. He uses the songs in crass ways in order to show his disdain of them. One example would be “Blest Are They” which he re-wrote for his answering machine.
Blest are they who call this numbe

I am not in my room.
Please leave your name and your telephone number
I will get back to you.
Rejoice and be glad
Wait for the beep, your message will keep,
Rejoice and be glad
I will get back to you.
I want to take this project a little more seriously. For example, so much of our hymnody has predictable and simpleton melodies that do not seem to live up to the dignity we are trying to foster in the liturgy. Take, for example (sorry if you like the tune) “Sing to the Mountains.”
Maybe we could take this song and give it a different use. It would be a great prelude to mass, much more useful, and add to the dignity of the celebration if we just changed the words some. Change the title to, “Ring Tones Annoys

Ring tones annoys us
‘Specially yours.
Turn off pagers, phones, and toys.
This is no place for that mess
It’s time to pray the mass.
On a more serious note, we have an overabundance of “I” songs. Theses songs incessantly put the singer (I, me, I, me) into the role of God. How many of these can we have before we become confused about who God is and who the creature is? Perhaps some of these can be reworked also. “On Eagle’s Wings” could be “On Legal Things” and used at a Red Mass. A Red Mass is generally said once a year for judges, prosecutors, attorneys, law school professors and students, and government officials. The Mass requests guidance from the Holy Spirit for all who seek justice, and offers the opportunity to reflect on what Catholics believe is the God-given power and responsibility of all in the legal profession. Much could be done to diswade Catholics from illegal acts by singing, “And they will bring you up on legal things, jail you in the county jail, make you to pay a hefty fine and scold you with a list of demands."
Finally, there are way too many songs that refer to the Eucharist as Jesus the fun time snac

k. Let us rework at least some of them to be more useful to us. For example, with talks on chastity to youth, “One Bread, One Body” could easily be reworked into, “One Bed, One Body.” What an effective and clear message that our youth needs to hear.
Those are my ideas, perhaps you have more. Let us work together to save this body of music.