Monday, October 1, 2007


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: "Exceptions make for bad law." diocesan official

QUOTE TWO: "Oh really? This whole thing is built on exceptions. Have you never heard of the Virgin Birth?" Fr. Benedict Groeschell.


Thank you to Peter, Lesely, and Vincenzo for your expert make over of my Simpson Character. You guys are awesome! Here is the one that Vincenzo produced:

Here is another site for the Liturgy of the Hours. It is especially good if you want a printable format for praying in groups.

Need a laugh (or more probably a groan)? Here is a site for Catholic jokes.

News from the seminaries in the Diocese of Cleveland: "(St.) Borromeo (Seminary) welcomes the Fall 2007 class of 47 students, which includes 16 new students. Saint Mary Seminary welcomes 2 new student to Pre-Theology and 4 students to I Theology, bringing their enrollment to 26 students. Please pray for our seminarians. "

1 comment:

uncle jim said...

Holy angels of God, guide and direct us in the path the Lord prepared for us ... right in through the seminary doors.

Our young single men need to learn this prayer.