That is one danger of government funding projects to too far
of an extent. We get the idea that
things will always be there and I need not worry about it. SOMEBODY official will make sure that things
are taken care of.
Not so with a parish.
A parish does not have to exist.
It exists because some people are willing to show up, do ministry and projects,
and donate resources. As we have seen in
our diocese, when people stop doing that (mostly due to flight to the suburbs,)
parishes cease to exist.
So we come across the 6th precept of the
Church. It is to support your parish,
provide for your priest, and also to look out for the good of the greater
Church around the world and the work of the Holy Father. Yep, some of that means hard, cold cash. There is no getting around that. If you want to feed the poor, you need a
kitchen, and a kitchen costs money. MORE
IMPORTANT is prayer. Then there is
showing up. There is engaging in
ministry and cleaning pews. There are
mission trips, supporting the teachings of the Church, helping struggling
parishes, and reaching out to the greater community, social justice, and evangelization. When a parish does all of these things, it is
healthy. And for a parish to do all
these things, it needs you to do them or it doesn’t get done.
where do the pictures (crowded church interior, catholic church closing, west theatre, magical theatre)
come from?
Google images
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