QUOTE II: "The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know." Harry S. Truman
This sent in from Sarah: "Dear Fr. V, Interesting article about a Jesuit astronomer at the Vatican in the Detroit Free Press. (Of course I relate because he grew up in the Parish where Ron and I were married - and I'm a "scientist" too!). Thought you might enjoy his closing comments about God and science..." Read more and see the video here.
From the same source: I can't believe this . . . but it was inevitable. There are now ceremonial tablet cases so you can use your computer at Mass. Did I really not see this coming? Will you use this Pf? See more here.
Ron sent this in: Dog in Italy attends Mass. See article and picture here.

From the same source: "Did you know, February 8 has been designated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) as a Day of Prayer for Survivors and Victims of Human Trafficking?" See more here.
Truman gave the signal to drop the bomb . . . . in my opinion, it was the greatest atrocity since the beginning of time.
My mom always told me that her grandpa looked like Harry Truman. I thought maybe there was some sort of resemblance but didn't know what Harry looked like. Then I was watching something on PBS and he was giving a speech. But for the odd Midwestern accent, he could've been her grandpa...
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