This was going up on Sunday and I realized it was going to be too late. Now that I am up I'll tell you now.

Okay *YAWN*, back to bed.
This was going up on Sunday and I realized it was going to be too late. Now that I am up I'll tell you now.
The classes reviewed thus far have been on Saint Augustine, C. S. Lewis, and a history of the popes and the papacy. They are well presented, interesting, informative, and at times intriguing enough to cause the need to drive around the block once more. (The last third of the C.S. Lewis series would perhaps work much better as a review immediately after reading the works mentioned in the course however.) Perhaps the biggest drawback is the cost, but there are always classes on sale and several hours of courses can be purchased for about $20.
On this Thanksgiving Day, O Lord, I ask you to bless all the people who read this blog and inspire them with Your Holy Spirit. Give them a spirit of thankfulness and let them know that I appreciate their visits. Amen
God bless!Cash Advance Loans
LIFE AFTER DEATH: Catholic Land! "A place where you can revel in the JOY of being Catholic" has a timely post about purgatory during this month in which we are called to pray for the Poor Souls. Purgatory Defined.
APPRECIATING THE MASS: In a world that (perhaps all too legitimately) we find more time to complain about masses than praying and enjoying them, Christine provides us this great article Pray for Me to the Lord Our God over at Domestic Vocation.
SCRIPTURE STUDY: In Expecto Resurrectionem Mortuorum Kevin gives us a deeper insight into Sunday's readings than would have been possible to do in a Sunday Homily. Enjoy Heart Mind and Strength.
PARENTING: Heidi over at Mommy Monsters Inc. provides us with heart warming story of being an adoptive parent in Sounds of Sweetest Praise.
FIGHTING STRESS: Melissa testifies to the power of the mass when in our daily trial we let it touch us. A Warm Spot for Cold Hearts is a bright spot on A Third Way.
SCHOOL: Maria laments the fact that God is being taken out of our public School in When God Is Absent in Fitchburg.
FAITH: Adoro Te Devote reminds us that, "there is no greater glory to offer to God than to abandon ourselves and our entire lives into His loving hands." Here is some worthy spiritual reflection entitled What Do You Seek When You Dream of Happiness?
SACRAMENTS: What is needed when one attends the sacrament? The right attitude helps tremendously says Barb in Confession over at SFO Mom.
CHURCH AND STATE: Denise poses the question, "The Diocese of Washington DC has decided to convert seven of its grade schools into city charter schools. The diocese will still run these schools but they will remove all religious symbols and discontinue daily prayer in order to qualify for city funds. Is this an appropriate decision?" Read more in Another Twist in the Catholic School Discussion over at Catholic Matriarch in My Domestic Church aka Catholic Mom.
MINISTRIES: What are all the inherit responsibilities of persons who act as ministers at the mass? Ebeth explores this question in depth in A Word about the Mass Celebrated by the People over at A Catholic Mom Climbing the Pillars.
FUNNY PAGES: If you need a little chuckle, join Domini Sumus over at We Belong to the Lord in Toddler Theology.
HELP WANTED: At Kicking Over My Traces we are told of "A valuable online resource for Catholic education is in need of funds."
LOVE AND LIVING: "A reflection of married love, the yearning for romance and intimacy, and how this applies within the "Bride of Christ." Find out more from Heidi's post A Partnership of Love over at Streams of Mercy.
SURPRISED BY LOVE: Sarah reflects that, even though she has never been a baby person, she has been blessed with babies...and in the midst of it, she has even enjoyed the babies! Read more about Baby People on Just Another Day of Catholic Pondering.
ELECTIONS: "The Bishop's forthcoming statement on the responsibility of voters will, properly, focus on human life issues. It should also concentrate on the just war issues," says Herb in his post Poor Intelligence, (Un)Just War, the Bishops and Veterans on his site HerbEly.
SAINTS: Jean writes about Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity and her unique spirituality revealed through some of her quotes which provides challenges for all of us. Jean writes to us from Catholic Fire.
ENTERTAINMENT: Christus Vincit has this comment about the Disney Channel on Disney Gone Bad.
PHYSICS: How do we show that something is absurd? Take it to the level of absurdity that makes it clear. See how in Stop Telling me That I Am Going to Drown at Play the Dad Be the Dad.
EUCHARIST: And here is a great way to end Catholic Carnival 145, with a reflection on the Eucharist. Bryan pays tribute to Big Jesus on his blog Bryan Murdaugh.
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