Tuesday, March 23, 2010


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: "Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions." G. K. Chesterton

QUOTE II: "If we really love the poor do we really want them coming to our soup kitchens for the rest of their lives?" source unknown.


ATTENTION CHESTERTON FANS: HELP SPREAD THE NEWS: There will be a one man play about G. K. Chesterton on Easter Monday at 7PM here at St. Sebastian Parish in Zwisler Hall. Admission is free (though you may make a donation if you wish.) We local Chestertonian fans are sponsoring this event to help kick off our Chesterton Society. See more here. Please come and drag along friends - help introduce Chesterton to others.


Fr. F. sends in this article entitled, "What Do You Think of Catholic Preaching?" It's a good read. Thanks friend.

The Diocese of Cleveland Enewsletter asks, "A very common question that is asked today by parents and grandparents is 'What can I do to encourage my children (or grandchildren) to return to the Church and practice their faith?'" Read more here.

From the same source: "Did you know, Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends give married couples the tools to make Good marriages Great marriages?"

Frank sent this golf game in. WARNING: ADDICTION LEVEL: LOW

P sent this site in. It has 23 pictures of Catholic and Protestant chaplains serving our troops in Afghanistan.

Our God Is an Awesome God. I know this song has made the rounds but I still think it's great. 3 and a half minutes.

I know there was more things sent in but it is our busy time - I'll post more of your things over the next two Tuesdays. Thanks!


  1. can i just be in the "norm" even once----i took the leap of faith father and started to listen to "my god is an awsome god"---10 to 20 seconds into it i began to feel physically ill--- thois is coming from a fairly recent convert--who in teenage years was
    seduced to the alter almost every friday night--thinking i was in this blissful connection with no less than the king of kings---than monday came--followed by tues. etc.--each day the coma wore off more and more--and i felt emptier and emptier---eventually this kind of religious experience led to being agnostic on a good day and an atheist on a bad one---and yes my "blissful" fri. evenings were followed by prayer, bible reading and church going---but i was "hooked" on that BLISSFUL feeling--i guess what i'm trying to say is i'm hoping Catholics will be more with our youth---we hear all the time about how we are not of the world, as well as the dangers of todays culture----i'm sorry when i hear "our god is an awsome god"--it screams to me same tune as in karaoke--or in the bar--hence it reflects today's culture---enough, i know---i know we need young people in the Church---what is the answer? troubled n.p.s. i meant to say more carefull with our youth

  2. Great links, Father:)

    A comment on the thoughts of anonymous. I agree that there is a problem with a Catholic youth culture that teaches a faith life built on the motto "eat pizza, sing songs, feel good." I would very much like to see the old youth group model scrapped for one that brings youth together for education and fellowship and then brings them immediately back into the heart of the community. I hear all the time about what our youth group is doing. What I'd really like is to actually SEE those kids serving and developing in the midst of the whole of the community.
    Having said that, I do not think that a wholesome approach to youth formation should exclude dynamic praise even when it does resemble Protestant worship. The joy and love that our separated brethren feel for our Lord is real only lacking in fullness of truth. In fact, Catholic youth aren't the only ones who should be inspired to lift voices and hands to the Lord. An outward expression of our devotion and adoration is appropriate for all Christians of any age. Again, I completely agree that a faith built on emotion or popular trends is one that will not stand. What happens to the faith of a 17-year old when he is 21 and the consolations and fun of the youth group are not felt in an adult church experience. But there is room in God's great big beautiful world for many different expressions of our love for Him. It would be fantastic to see teenagers at Eucharistic adoration and adults attending praise and worship events.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. “Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” - G. K. Chesterton

    If you are trying to imply or preach that MEN who advocate tolerance as a virtue are without convictions, how then is it possible for a WOMAN born deaf and blind to come to the conclusion that, "The highest result of education is tolerance" or "Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle." - Helen Keller.
    Let us be honest with ourselves, if a very common question today asked by parents and grandparents is 'What can I do to encourage my children (or grandchildren) to return to the Church and practice their faith?' is answered by the lesson that tolerance is an "unmanly" virtue and those whom espouse such doctrines are without conviction, I beseech you all, keep asking questions.
    If a woman born gentle, meek, and mild possessing neither the gifts of sight or sound discovered such a universal truth from within, we all may.

  5. I'm not trying to be a flamethrower, but few people know that Helen Keller was a radical socialist, birth control advocate, and founding member of the ACLU. Definitely not a friend of the Catholic worldview.

  6. "If we really love the poor do we really want them coming to our soup kitchens for the rest of their lives?" source unknown.

    This has been a concern of mine for some time now. We really should combine feeding the poor with helping the poor feed themselves. I read of the religious orders who do wonderful things for the poor but never hear of them helping the poor to become independant of them.

  7. Norah, I agree with you. I heard an anecdote about something the late Abp. Fulton Sheen once said. In communist times, a class of children were told to pray to God for bread. When the bread did not come, the communist said, "See, there is no God. The STATE gives you the bread." I am concerned that this push for "government to help the poor" is the wrong emphasis. "The poor" get a welfare check, food stamps, government housing, aid for fatherless children, healthcare (yes, the poor do have mandated government healthcare even before this "bill"). They are afraid to give up the welfare life. It is a comfort to them to know that the check is coming. The STATE now provides for them. What need have they for God?

  8. i keep thinking about Catholisism and how we keep it alive and wellin todays world---so sorry but i can't embrace the idea of infusing protestant ways to help us all become more
    catholic---we are the "FULLNESS of the faith"___
    in todays church i see and feel us becoming more protestant___why? eventually (and the journey was long)i came running and fell on my knees to become a "CATHOLIC"--and that did not involve raising my hands---lets let our HOLY priests do that- and shouting out some mundane praise and worship diddy---come on Catholics take back your faith---don't let yourself become seduced by "to much assimilation" ( a lesson AfricanAmerican persons finally realized)---what about some REAL CATACHESIS---what about Catholic statues in the front yard--what about family Rosary hour becoming a priority in family life--what eucharistic adoration with family every week---what about realizing our valued place in Catholic worship--on our knees--head bowed--mouths SHUT---we are his creatures--not to be mixed up with the CREATOR---what about a returning to music of real quality---hello folks--but it has slipped away from us--now if you want young people to have a concert experience of rock music with praise and worship text go for it--but don't confuse this with real Catholic worship---when i enter a place of HOLY Catholic worship---i need a liturgy that reflects this--if i wanted to raise my hands and wail out "praise tunes" i'd go down the road to lets say the Baptist temple---please understand i have nothing against Protestants----i just don't want to be one anymore--thank God i am finally home and can proudly call myself a CATHOLIC---n.

  9. Anonymous-
    I was unclear that you were referring to this music being used in a liturgical context. I don't think that's why Father shared it specifically (since he didn't indicate such a thing). I am in full agreement with you that the Catholic faith is rich with beauty and that we do not need to secularize/popularize Catholicism in order to retain that beauty. I also do not think that we should reject something good out of hand simply because it is popular within non Catholic sects. For example, you may not like music written by Rich Mullins even in a non-liturgical setting. I assume it is not something you would choose to listen to in your free time. I am different. Although I recognize that his musical gifts may be inferior to others, I am nonetheless inspired by it to love and praise God more deeply. Would I choose to have it during a Mass? No. Is it on my ipod? Absolutely. God's goodness and blessings do not exclude Protestants or pagans (I was raised in a pagan household) even though we are separated in the fullness of truth. I do not reject the beauty of trees because pagans worship them, rather I appreciate them in the proper context and give glory to their Creator.
    Anyway, sounds like we had a misunderstanding since I was not appealing for pop music in the liturgy. You clearly have a great love for God and the beauty of our faith and I am inspired and grateful for that. God bless you!

  10. Helen Keller was born deaf and blind and with the same amount of original sin as the rest of us. Tolerance is way over-rated in this society. And I'm not talking about the tolerance that it takes to be civil with others. No, what I'm talking about is the secular view of tolerance that in practice results in limiting the expression of Truth. For instance, in order for us to be "tolerant" to the Atheist, the faithful are prohibited from prayers in public venues or even mentioning God in a public school. Even though, in reality, the Atheist would be chuckling at all the dimwits bowing their heads, he does not have to "tolerate" us. So without taking up too much space: GKC was right on the money.
