Wednesday, March 24, 2010


We are called, every one of us, to defend the faith. That is part of our baptismal promise: to spread the kingdom of God. Some do it as professional apologists, some as casual apologists (such as when someone asks something at work,) some as brave examples, others in prayer. But no matter what, you are called to something in this area.

What follows are just some scribbled notes (mixed with some personal thoughts) from a presentation this past Monday at Saint Sebastian by the Emmaus Round Table concerning how to share and defend the faith. (Emmaus Roundtable is a lay Catholic apostolate dedicated to facilitating the “New Springtime of Evangelization” that Pope John Paul II called and prayed for.) For more information on them look here.

If we are not prepared to defend the faith, to give answers to such questions as to what is the meaning of life, the world will provide answers that will be readily eaten up. Why do we try to share the faith? Because we believe that in them is truth, life, and joy. If someone is not living in truth, they are not experiencing the fullness of life, and then there can be no fullness of joy. That is why we try to be that source of knowledge and truth for the world.

Yet we do not impose the faith, we propose. We are to provide light, not heat. But still if we are going to present the faith convincingly we must first know our stuff. We must study and learn. You cannot pass on what you don’t have. “Holding hands and singing Kumbaya will not draw us into the unity Christ desires.”

In order to pass on this faith we ourselves must be convicted. Nobody wants to get up early on Sunday to go to a church that simply another alternative and a difficult one at that. We must know that there is unity, beauty, goodness, and truth here that cannot be completely matched anywhere or we will fail at evangelization.

We must not merely arm ourselves with facts and arguments however. Facts do not convert hearts. We must also have a spirituality – we must be in relationship with the God to Whom we wish to draw hearts. How does one attract a crowd? One sets themselves on fire – on fire for love of God and the many blessings He wishes to bestow upon us. These are the first steps.


  1. ". . .we must be in relationship with the God to Whom we wish to draw hearts."

    Yes, Father. Well-said. And we must develop friendships and relationships with people so that both our words and the witness of our lives will draw people to the Lord.

  2. I spoke to some Mormon missionaries while watching my daughter play outside. They are very thorough in their knowledge and, although I went to Catholic school, go to Mass, and watch Father Corappi talk about the Catechism, I did not have the biblical knowledge they had. One thing that one missionary asked me about was the Catholic belief of one God in three persons. He didn't get it. They also didn't know that Peter was the first Pope and they can view the list of consecutive popes online at I would like to think that I gave them something to ponder but I wish I had better knowledge of the bible. Our church is doing a similar evangelization program in April and I want to volunteer but I'm worried about my inability to quote text and verse #'s the way protestants & Mormans can.

  3. Monday was a good learning experience but I need help answering the basic questions. Why is palm Sunday called palm Sunday and what is the symbolism of the palm? What do I say to my brother when he says I do not need to go to churchon Sundays and get my ticket punched like others? What do I say to someone who says
    "Shouldn't saying I am sorry to God be enough" why do we have to confess our sins to a priest? I need help answering the basics. Hopefully there will be a session for the basics, Monday was a bit over my head.
