Sunday, December 1, 2019


 I don't think that being baldish bothers me but apparently it does.  I've saved a fortune on shampoo and haircuts and there is no need to worry about wearing hats, riding in convertibles or styling.  BUT, apparently at some level it must bother me because I have a reoccurring dream that I comb my hair slightly differently (not that I actually have anything to comb anymore) and discover that I have this lucious head of hair . . . 

The consolation prize is that I became a man who wears hats - both to stay warm in the winter and to guard against the sun in the summer.  Over the years I've accumulated quite a collection of these head toppers - everything from a skull cap to porkpie.

The other day I ended up getting a slouch hat.  It looks something like this:
Loved ones have told me never to wear a hat like this - apparently I am too old and too unhipster.  Still, I tried one out walking the dogs the other day.

We were walking along and one of the dogs went to the bathroom.  So I bent over to retrieve the production and when I stood up the hat slouched across my face.

So there I was with two leashes in one hand and a bag of post-dog treats in the other and a hat over my face.  So I threw my head back and shook it back into place and it FELT LIKE THIS:

That settled it.


  1. Hooray! The blog is back!! When oh when will the book, "Almost Excruciatingly True Stories" by Fr. John Valencheck ever be in print??

  2. I echo everything the fabulous Marie M (fellow parishioner and friend) said! We have missed you!!!

    And she is right - the "Almost Excruciatingly True Stories" would make a terrific book for kids and adults! It is my favorite column of the week (although the rest are great, too).

    I have very fine, thin hair, and I *love* to wear hats. I cannot leave home with one unless I plan to wear it for the entire duration of my excursion because when I take the hat off, my pathetic hair is smashed to my skull and I look silly, to put it mildly. I think you look very nice in your hats - so do the boys, no matter what they are up to.

    God bless and protect you and everyone at St. Sebastian - Sue from St. B

  3. So glad to see you're back! I have missed you!

  4. Thank you everybody! I really do enjoy doing it - time just seems to be more difficult to come by recently.

  5. Father,

    I appreciate your blog.

    In the words of "Audrey II" (Little Shop of Horrors): "Feed me."

  6. So glad to see your post! Having moved out of Akron, we were getting worried! YES, publish Thee Book of Dr V Blogs!
