Tuesday, November 13, 2018


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "In the midst of our applauding the feats of civilization, the Bible flings itself like a knife slashing our complacency, reminding us that God, too, has a voice in history."  from Abraham Joshua Heschel's, "God in Search of Man."


E.P. sent in THIS article about the resurgence of the St. Micheal Prayer.

I displayed a silver icon of the Last Supper in the back of the church with the explanation in the picture below.  I think someone may have accidentally taken it home thinking we were looking for a good home for it.  If anybody has any information about this or can kindly and confidentially tell the person who may have mistakenly taken it to return it?  THANK YOU.
Bonafacy Obts was an expert vestment maker that our very own Karen Spangler met with to get some tips died recently.  Karen recently put his tips to use in the making of our 90th Anniversary vestments.  Carly Smith made the appliqués.  They did a wonderful job!  Notice the front appliqué matches the angels over all of the church doors:

The back appliqué exquisitely matches the pelican motif on our altar rail:

Well done!

Saw this sign and had to take a picture.  I LOVE AKRON!
Fr. Pfeiffer stopped over on Sunday night to visit.  I snapped this picture of him at the piano and thought it was so cool that I needed to share it with you.
Here are some quickly approaching events:

E.F., a fellow Chestetonian, sent out this video of Dale Ahlqueist's talk, "G. K. Chesterton: The Critic's Critic."  I recommend skipping the first 13 minutes or so.


  1. Father, the vestments are really beautiful! St. Sebastian is lucky to have the excellent Karen as a sacristan, and Carly did a fine job on the appliques. What a wonderful way for parish priests to remember the 90th anniversary every time they use these vestments - and for your people to see the connection to the parish when they see you wear them!

    I am going to pray to my good St. Anthony to find your icon. I wish I could have seen it - I saw the icon of Our Lady, but never the Last Supper icon. It may take him a while to find it for you, but St. Anthony has never let me down (even though St. Francis of Assisi is my profession patron saint). Maybe someone was worried about it being out in the open and thought to put it somewhere safe. Regardless, I am going to put St. Anthony on the job. He is the one who found a pastor for us!

    God bless everyone at St. Sebastian - Sue from St. Bernard

  2. I am happy and grateful to report that the icon was returned!!! Please say a prayer for the person who accidentally took it - it was probably largely my fault and I don't want them to feel bad or embarrassed but HAPPY that they made me so happy by returning it. God bless them.

    Thank you St. Anthony

  3. !!!

    I knew St. Anthony wouldn't let us down!

    God bless the good Christians in Bethlehem! God bless the person who brought back the icon! God bless the good Catholics in Akron!

    And thanks again, St. Anthony!

    Sue, OFS

  4. The icon was absolutely stunning and I am so happy it was returned. God Bless and thank you to whoever returned it.
