Tuesday, November 6, 2018


FINDING TRUTH WHEVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "[To] borrow a warning from the great French writer Charles Peguy, we may never fully know the acts of deceit and cowardice that, 'have been motivated by the fear of looking insufficiently progressive.'"  from Archbishop Chaput's, "Strayers in a Strange Land."

QUOTE II:  "Spirituality is about man's search for God, while Catholicism is about God's search for man."  from the same source


This Saturday we are celebrating a special Mass at 4:30 to celebrate our 90th Anniversary and you are invited.  There will be great music and the unveiling of new vestments made by our own Karen Spangler with appliqués by Carlie Smith.  Hope to see you there!

 Some other events for you consideration:

 Thanks to Marcy Smith I had a pumpkin to carve this year:
Somebody found something to roll around in at the farm this past week:
And somebody else no longer smells like skunk or so attests my sister
This icon was gifted to the people of St. Sebastian from the Christian community in Bethlehem.  It will be on display this weekend by the St. Joseph altar.
 This is young Daniel after his organ concert.  I hope you were able to hear it!
He didn't do this piece but this is a taste of what he could do a year ago. (1:45)

1 comment:

  1. The icon is absolutely stunning!

    And the boys seem glad you are home safely, even if Sebastian had to get a bath (and Chester got some love and affection from your sister!)

    Sue from St. B
