Tuesday, August 21, 2018


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  (On theologians)  "The image you should have in mind is not the professor with a tweed jacket, but rather the disciple who dropped everything to follow Jesus.  Becoming a theologian means following God's Word where it leads with all one's mind, heart, and strength."  from Kevin Vanhoozer's, "Letter ti ab Aspiring Theologian" in "First Things."

QUOTE II:  "Theology is the study of how to speak truly of God and of all things in relation to God.  But theologians can't approach the object of their study the way biologists study living creatures or geologists the earth.  God cannot be imperially examined.  God is the creator of all things, not to be identified with any part of the universe or even with the universe as a whole.  Speaking of God thus poses unique challenges.  If God had not considered to commute to creatures something of His light, we would be in the dark."  same source


Here are some upcoming events to which you are invited sponsored by St. Sebastian Parish:

        2 September 7PM  “An Evening with G. K. Chesterton” at Pub Bricco
8 September 5:30  90th Anniversary Spaghetti Dinner
12 September 7:30 Theology on Tap at the Harbor Front
17 September 7:30PM Theology on the Rocks at Diagnese’s
30 September 4PM  Concert: Keller Consort

Fr. Peter Kovacina gave a great talk on Pope Benedict last night at D'Agnese's for Theology on the Rocks.   For more information go HERE.  I will be the next speaker and the topic will be about reading liturgical statues, paintings and a little bit on church heraldry.  

 Thank you to our awesome hosts!

N. S. sent THIS in.  The real thing to see is the link at the bottom to a video of a three-year-old singing the Salve Regina.  I will think of this the next time someone asks (after hearing their child rap an entire song) if their child can call me Fr. V because Valencheck is way too difficult for a young person.

P. V. sent in THIS article about a nun throwing the first pitch at a White Sox game.

Go HERE to see the Akron First Friday Club schedule or listen to their podcast.

Here is a video of the play, "An Evening with G. K. Chesterton which will be performed here in Akron on September 2nd at Club Bricco as part of St. Sebastian's 90th anniversary celebrations.  It might seem odd putting the play online but it is here to give you a taste because there is nothing like seeing it live.  Tickets available by calling or stopping by the St. Sebastian rectory or in the lobby of the church after Masses this weekend.

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