FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: "It is therefor desirable for religions to have a dogmatic element. What good is a value system that does not provide a stable structure? What good is a value system that does not point the way to a higher order?" from Jordan Peterson's, "12 Rules for Life."
QUOTE II: "You can only find out what you actually believe (rather than what you think you believe) by watching how you act." same source
John Kastelic was inspired by the restoration project at St. Sebastian to write a song. It has had over 3K views since Monday. Listen to it HERE.
P.V. sent in THIS revealing story about the "Sex and the City."
She also sent in THIS STORY about the danger in being too Catholic.
Deacon S. sent in THIS link to a new blog called Veronica's Veil.
Here is some work coming along at St. Sebastian:
This came in: Dear Chesterton Society Members across the world!
I am a young Polish scholar from Cracow working on G.K. Chesterton. Within last years I’ve published some books on him, including two French translations I’ve been directing for well known French publishers.
Today I am pleased to announce my first publication in English language, “Protestantism As Seen by G.K. Chesterton”, a synthesis of GKC's thought, written at the occasion of the five hundred years anniversary of the Reformation. Perhaps you will find an interest to read it. If so, I will be grateful for your remarks which will surely contribute to improve my next works on Gilbert Chesterton.
Find out more HERE.
M.W. sent in this commencement speech that is well worth the listen:
Beautiful guitar work in that video!