Tuesday, January 16, 2018


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "[E]verything that human beings are doing to make it easier to operate computer networks is at the same time, but for different reasons, making it easier for computer networks to operate human beings."  From Archbishop Chaput's, "Strangers in a Strange Land."


A good number of years ago there was someone marking up the neighborhood with very thoughtful, artful, and quirky graffiti.  One almost (and I stress - almost) didn't mind it  because it was almost (and I stress almost) art.  

Walking up to visit the Julie BIlliart School on MLK Day I saw these quirky markings on the door and thought they had struck again - but no, it was just the very cold weather pealing the paint.  Doesn't the first one look like a combination sea horse and heraldic lion?

The 20th of January is St. Sebastian Day and my dog Sebastian's birthday.  The parish is 89 years old and my dog is going to be 12.  (We are moving our feast day to the weekend.)  Here are two events to help celebrate the day.

St. Bernard Parish in downtown Akron will be having a dedication and concert of their newly restored, 112 year old Schantz pipe organ at 3:00 on Sunday, January 21st.  St. Sebastian's Director of Music, Lynn Steward will be at the keyboard.  Read more HERE.  

At St. Sebastian Parish at 4:30 that same day, Mr. Adam Keeler will be giving a classical guitar concert in the church.  Free and open to the public.  

P. V. sent in THIS article about Russell Brand's appreciation of faith in the fight against addiction.

N. D. sent in THIS article (sorry I am letting you know so late) in which St. Sebastian was mentioned.

Fr. Barry Gearing spoke at THEOLOGY ON THE ROCKS last night on Theology of the Body and as part of his presentation showed this video:

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