FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: "She was starting to see that life was like being handed the ingredients one at a time for a meal you were supposed to make, never knowing what was next. You might start with chicken, a few carrots, a sack of potatoes, and think, Now we're getting somewhere - but the next three items would be a bicycle tire, a top hat, and bag of penny candy, and you had to figure out how to use it all." from Brendan Matthew's "World of Tomorrow"
QUOTE II: "He'd learned long ago that if you kept the booze in the bottle, you looked like a drunk, but if you emptied it into a fancy cut-glass decanter, you were a man who appreciated the finer things in life." same source.
Standing ovation at Sunday's organ concert. St. Sebastian is now starting an organ scholarship fund in Lynn Frey-Steward's honor to help make sure that there are organists in the future. Contact me if you would like to donate.
This came in the mail: Most Reverend Nelson Perez, Bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland, will offer a special Mass for Peace and Healing at noon on Thursday, November 9 at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in downtown Cleveland. This Mass presents an opportunity for people to gather as a community and unite our prayers into one asking God’s love and mercy and an end to the senseless violence that plagues our society today. The Mass will be streamed live HERE
PV sent THIS in. Considering the masthead of this blog this is pretty cool news!
How is this comfortable? (16.22)
How is this comfortable? (16.22)
EP sent THIS in on the 22nd anniversary of the release of the Shawshank Redemption.
From the ToT AKRON Facebook Page: "Magic is the only artform specifically intended to produce wonder." (Michael Weber) Come this Wednesday, November 8 at 7pm at Ray's Place of Fairlawn to hear Mark Cook, member of St. Sebastian & a magician, speak on "Mercy, Mary & Magic." We look forward to seeing all of you there!" Follow the Facebook Page HERE.
Here is part II of last week's video.
Here is part II of last week's video.
Regarding Sebastian's latest pose, I actually do back exercises in physical therapy to twist my hips and thereby stretch my back muscles. I'll have to try this one.