Tuesday, June 27, 2017


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "In American politics, the line that divides 'prophetic witness' from 'violating the separation of church and state' usually depends on who draws the line, who gets offended - and by what issue.  The line wanders conveniently.  But Catholics, in seeking to live their faith, can't follow convenience."  from Archbishop Chaput's, "Render unto Caesar"


Fr. Michael Gaitley MIC visited St. Sebastian this past weekend.  What a great priest!  There was a reception of about 40 priests and seminarians here.  He was the latest inductee to the Bell Tower Hall of Fame
 Some others that braved the climb:
 Keep the guy in the orange shirt in your prayers.  He is thinking of the seminary.
 I just like this picture for some reason.  Kinda looks like an album cover.
 This is in reference to yesterday's Monday Diary.  This was the project:
Mary sent in THIS article about the Avalas in the Diocese of Cleveland.  Thanks.

She also sent THIS link in if you want to know where all of the priests are.  Cleveland looks great!  We are certainly blessed.

Cindy sent in THIS article about the rise of radical nuns.  Thanks.

Pat sent in THIS great pro-life article.  Thanks.

Generous donations of items continue to come in for the supplying of our new chapel at the JBSS.  I have virtually no budget for this so your help is both extremely beneficial and appreciated.  It is amazing what is sitting around in attics and basements!  This past month we received a remarkable processional cross (reported here recently), a statue of the Blessed Virgin, most of the candlesticks that we will need for the altar, weekday lectionaries (II & III), and a very generous donation of $1,000.  Thank you.  Here is list of things still needed:  Altar linens, corporals, purificators, hand towels, cruets, lavabo bowl, stations of the cross, candle followers, altar cross, candles, a large corpus for the cross, 1 ciborium, glass globe for the sanctuary lamp, 5 holy water fonts, and a Lectionary IV.  Please keep our schools in your prayers.

In honor of our special guest this past week, here is a short video about one of his books.  (Most of Youtubes are over an hour!)

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