Tuesday, June 13, 2017


FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND:  "Man does not live by insight alone; he is in need of a creed, of a way of living.  Insights are not a secure possession; they are vague and sporadic.  They are like divine sparks, flashing up before us and becoming obscure again, and we fall back into a darkness, 'almost as black as that in which we were before.'"  from Abraham Heschel's, "God in Search of Man"

IN OTHER NEWS (in no particular order):

Last night was Fr. Leonard's final evening at St. Sebastian.  Following his final duty having the nursing home Mass and breaking bread with me and our seminarian in residence David Stavarz, he officially took off for the land of Parma and became a Columnkillite.

Meanwhile, today we are making preparations to welcome our new parochial vicar, Fr. Anthony Simone, recently ordained to the presbyterate!  Even Sebastian is excited!

And Fr. ANTHONY Simone is beginning his stint as a Sebastianite on . . . wait for it . . . St. ANTHONY Day!  Happy St. Anthony day to all of you Anthonys out there.  (It's my middle name too.)  To you too Fr. K.
And this is how I feel at the moment:
 (Though the hair part is purely imaginary.)

Here are a couple of events coming up!  The FIRST is TOMORROW!

And then there is this:

My classmates and I are celebrating 19 years of our priesthood.  There were only five of us compared to this years crop of 8!

A parishioner who is a composer has just released his album!  Find out more about it HERE.
We were out airing out the dog one evening when David said, "Look how awesome the sky looks tonight.  So here is a picture so you too can see how how awesome the sky looked that night.
Today's video:

1 comment:

  1. That is an excellent icon of St. Anthony! And what a good day for Fr. Simone to start his ministry here in Akron!

    I miss Bishop Lennon. I realize not everyone feels as I do. But he was very good to my merged, and then unmerged, parish. He did his best. God bless and keep him.

    God bless you, Father V, and Father S and everyone at St. Sebastian
