Monday, April 10, 2017


There won't be time to post this week other than these quick notes to you.

If you are looking for a place to celebrate the Eastertide, here is the St. Sebastian schedule:
8:00AM  Mass
8:15AM Mass
Adoration all day
(7:00PM  Chrism Mass at the cathedral.  You are invited.)
7:40 Compline and Benediction
8:00AM Mass
Maundy Thursday
7:00PM  Mass of the Lord's Supper
Good Friday
1:00PM Family Stations of the Cross
3:00PM Good Friday Service
Holy Saturday
1:00PM Blessing of the Foods
9:00PM Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday
9:00AM Mass
11:00AM Mass
1:00PM Mass (Extraordinary Form - Latin)

This past Sunday our choir performed Theodore Dubois', "Seven Last Words of Christ."  A little over 250 people were in attendance.  The music was magnificent.  I didn't think the choir could outdo itself but they did!  The church itself started out pretty bright with the light streaming in through the stained glass windows.  But as the piece progressed, night descended upon us and by the time they got to the point in the program where Christ died, the sun had nearly set, the church grew dark, and the only thing lit was Eric Armusik's painting of the crucifixion.  It was a blessed night.  Congratulations to Lynn, Frank, the soloists, the orchestra, and of course the St. Sebastian choir.
Last week was cold and as I was taking Sebastian for his last airing out, I was struck by this incongruous scene a snow covered lawn and a tree in full spring flower.
Then by Saturday, the sun was so bright and warm I was struck at how brightly Sebastian was lit up when he came to say good morning that I snapped this shot to share with you.


  1. Hi, Father,

    No photograph of the Crucifixion painting at the end of the evening could have done it justice. The light reflecting off the mosaic surrounding the painting made the whole scene indescribably beautiful.

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