FINDING TRUTH WHEREVER IT MAY BE FOUND: "Extraordinary graces in prayer often are succeeded by conflicts and doubts when they cease and uncertainty as to their cause." from Jacques Philippe's "Time for God."
QUOTE II: "Sometimes God wounds us more effectively by leaving us in our wretchedness than by healing us of it!" same source
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. Masses at St. Sebastian are at 9:00AM (with the school) 5:15PM (extraordinary form - Latin) and 7:00PM.
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. Masses at St. Sebastian are at 9:00AM (with the school) 5:15PM (extraordinary form - Latin) and 7:00PM.
Elen sent THIS article in explaining why the cause for sainthood can take so long.
E. P. sent in THIS great article about our transgender brothers and sisters. It is thought provoking.
I just really liked this MEME. As we enter into Lent, I am weakening in my resolve to hack back my beard for Easter as I promised my sister . . .
I just really liked this MEME. As we enter into Lent, I am weakening in my resolve to hack back my beard for Easter as I promised my sister . . .
Want something to read for Lent that is not too, too heavy? Here is a free E-book by Christopher West entitled, "Theology of the Body at the Movies." Here is a "trailer."
My dad "gave up" my mom for Lent when they were dating but failed to tell her that before Lent started. She thought he was mad at her. My poor mother, whenever the story came up everyone was like "Oh, that's so sweet!" I don't think she shared that view. Haha.